QModbusTcpClient use RAM more and more.
But when use QModbusRtuSerialMaster everything is OK!
#ifndef CMODBUS_H #define CMODBUS_H #include <QModbusTcpClient> #include <CSerialPortConfig.h> #include <QModbusRtuSerialMaster> class CModBus : public CSerialPortConfig { Q_OBJECT public: explicit CModBus(const QString &capstr); ~CModBus(); void portOpen(); void portClose(); bool portIsOpen(); void read(const QModbusDataUnit &mdu, const int &address); void write(const QModbusDataUnit &mdu, const int &address); signals: void linkState(const int &address, const bool &st); void dataReady(const int &address, const QModbusDataUnit &mdu); private: void readReady(); void writeFinished(); void newSetttings(const Settings &ns); void errorOccurred(const QModbusDevice::Error &error); int m_lastAddress = 0; QModbusClient *m_device = nullptr; }; #endif // CMODBUS_H #include "CModBus.h" CModBus::CModBus(const QString &capstr) : CSerialPortConfig(capstr) { newSetttings(curSettings()); connect(this, &CSerialPortConfig::sigNewSetttings, this, &CModBus::newSetttings); connect(m_device, &QModbusClient::errorOccurred, this, &CModBus::errorOccurred); m_device->connectDevice(); if(m_device->state() != QModbusDevice::ConnectedState) { errorAppend(capstr + " : " + portName() + tr(" : port error!")); } } CModBus::~CModBus() { } void CModBus::newSetttings(const Settings &ns) { bool isopen = false; if(m_device != nullptr) { isopen = (m_device->state() == QModbusDevice::ConnectedState); delete m_device; m_device = nullptr; } if(ns.tcpEnable) { m_device = new QModbusTcpClient(this); const QUrl url = QUrl::fromUserInput(ns.tcpHost); m_device->setConnectionParameter(QModbusDevice::NetworkPortParameter, url.port()); m_device->setConnectionParameter(QModbusDevice::NetworkAddressParameter, url.host()); } else { m_device = new QModbusRtuSerialMaster(this); m_device->setConnectionParameter(QModbusDevice::SerialPortNameParameter, ns.portName); m_device->setConnectionParameter(QModbusDevice::SerialParityParameter, ns.parity); m_device->setConnectionParameter(QModbusDevice::SerialBaudRateParameter, ns.baud); m_device->setConnectionParameter(QModbusDevice::SerialDataBitsParameter, ns.dataBits); m_device->setConnectionParameter(QModbusDevice::SerialStopBitsParameter, ns.stopBits); } m_device->setTimeout(ns.responseTime); m_device->setNumberOfRetries(ns.numberOfRetries); if(isopen) { m_device->connectDevice(); } } void CModBus::read(const QModbusDataUnit &mdu, const int &address) { if((!m_device) || (m_device->state() != QModbusDevice::ConnectedState)) { emit linkState(address, false); return; } QModbusReply *reply = m_device->sendReadRequest(mdu, address); if(reply) { m_lastAddress = address; if(!reply->isFinished()) { connect(reply, &QModbusReply::finished, this, &CModBus::readReady); } else { emit linkState(address, false); delete reply; } } else { emit linkState(address, false); } } void CModBus::write(const QModbusDataUnit &mdu, const int &address) { if((!m_device) || (m_device->state() != QModbusDevice::ConnectedState)) { emit linkState(address, false); return; } QModbusReply *reply = m_device->sendWriteRequest(mdu, address); if(reply) { m_lastAddress = address; if(!reply->isFinished()) { connect(reply, &QModbusReply::finished, this, &CModBus::writeFinished); } else { emit linkState(address, false); delete reply; } } else { emit linkState(address, false); } } void CModBus::readReady() { QModbusReply *reply = qobject_cast<QModbusReply *>(sender()); if(!reply) { emit linkState(m_lastAddress, false); return; } const int address = reply->serverAddress(); const QModbusDataUnit mdu = reply->result(); if(reply->error() == QModbusDevice::NoError) { emit dataReady(address, mdu); emit linkState(address, true); } else { emit linkState(m_lastAddress, false); } reply->deleteLater(); } void CModBus::writeFinished() { auto *reply = qobject_cast<QModbusReply *>(sender()); if(!reply) { emit linkState(m_lastAddress, false); return; } if(reply->error() == QModbusDevice::NoError) { emit linkState(reply->serverAddress(), true); } else { emit linkState(m_lastAddress, false); } reply->deleteLater(); } void CModBus::errorOccurred(const QModbusDevice::Error &error) { Q_UNUSED(error) emit linkState(m_lastAddress, false); } void CModBus::portOpen() { m_device->connectDevice(); } void CModBus::portClose() { m_device->disconnectDevice(); } bool CModBus::portIsOpen() { return (m_device->state() == QModbusDevice::ConnectedState); }
Please wrap your code in code tags, otherwise it's unreadable on the forum:
``` // code goes here ```
Check your app with address sanitizer, if there is a leak it will show up.
the first point to change would be, to not rely on sender and consecutively object_casts.
Use a QModbusReply * member pointer or a queue of pointers, don't expect to magically get the pointer to the object back at one or an other point in time!
@Lari said in QModbusTcpClient use RAM more and more.:
Could you explain that a little bit more?
Suggestion would be to do this:
- change
toreadReady(QModbusReply * reply)
- change
towriteFinished(QModbusReply * reply)
- change connect statement as follow
// in read() connect(reply, &QModbusReply::finished, this, [reply, this]() { readReady(reply); }); // in write() connect(reply, &QModbusReply::finished, this, [reply, this]() { writeFinished(reply); });
- change
Are you properly deleting the replies you get ?
@Lari said in QModbusTcpClient use RAM more and more.:
but if you disconnect from the server, then this memory is deleted.
This is strange.
It's look like you do not delete the replies, and they are cleaned-up with parent destruction.In your code, you are using
, you could add traces (with qDebug()) to ensure those lines are executed.deleteLater()
will delay the deletion on next enter in thread event loop.
As you signals/slots seems to work, this should also work.I have no explanation :(
I modified the Qt example (\serialbus\modbus\master) a little to organize a continuous exchange with a frequency of 250ms. I read 10 holding registers and see a leak from 5-7 minutes and it grows. I changed only these two functions.
void MainWindow::onReadReady(QModbusReply * reply) { //auto reply = qobject_cast<QModbusReply *>(sender()); if (!reply) return; if (reply->error() == QModbusDevice::NoError) { ; // const QModbusDataUnit unit = reply->result(); // for (int i = 0, total = int(unit.valueCount()); i < total; ++i) { // const QString entry = tr("Address: %1, Value: %2").arg(unit.startAddress() + i) // .arg(QString::number(unit.value(i), // unit.registerType() <= QModbusDataUnit::Coils ? 10 : 16)); // ui->readValue->addItem(entry); // } } else if (reply->error() == QModbusDevice::ProtocolError) { statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Read response error: %1 (Mobus exception: 0x%2)"). arg(reply->errorString()). arg(reply->rawResult().exceptionCode(), -1, 16), 5000); } else { statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Read response error: %1 (code: 0x%2)"). arg(reply->errorString()). arg(reply->error(), -1, 16), 5000); } reply->deleteLater(); } void MainWindow::onReadButtonClicked() { if (!modbusDevice) return; ui->readValue->clear(); statusBar()->clearMessage(); mStart = (!mStart) ? true : false; if (mStart) ui->readButton->setText("Stop read"); else ui->readButton->setText("Read"); while (mStart) { if (auto *reply = modbusDevice->sendReadRequest(readRequest(), ui->serverEdit->value())) { if (!reply->isFinished()) { QObject::connect(reply, &QModbusReply::finished, this, [reply, this]() { onReadReady(reply); }); } else delete reply; // broadcast replies return immediately } else { statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Read error: ") + modbusDevice->errorString(), 5000); } for (int i=0; i<25; i++) // I do this to organize a delay of 250 ms { QThread::msleep(10); QCoreApplication::processEvents(); } } return; }
This simple use case shows a leak in both Windows and Linux after 5-7 minutes. And it grows constantly. Checked by the 2 days of work of the example.
@Lari The bug was already confirmed - see my link.
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in QModbusTcpClient use RAM more and more.:
he bug was already confirmed - see my link.
Thank you. I created this bug in bugreports. But Qt answers for a long time, and I am in uncertainty - what am I doing wrong? and how to make the QModbusClient object work correctly? -
@Lari Either fix the code by yourself or find someone who does for you.
ok. thank you. -
Since it seems to work with 5.14 (at least it looks like in the bug report) I would start checking what changed between 5.14 and 5.15 for this module/class.
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in QModbusTcpClient use RAM more and more.:
Since it seems to work with 5.14 (at least it looks like in the bug report) I would start checking what changed between 5.14 and 5.15 for this module/class.
Thank you for help.