Qt linguist not get text from c++ code.
Hi all,
How I can get text in Qt linguist from c++ model field in qml, can I do something like qsTr(model.name);? -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Why not just translate that in the model code ?
@SGaist said in Qt linguist not get text from c++ code.:
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Why not just translate that in the model code ?I need to add this variable in c++ model, and translate with Qt linguist with *.ts files, how I can add to .ts file my variable from C++ model? It's should be something like this:
switch (role) {
case TextRole:
return tr(m_data.at(index.row()));after this we can lupdate all *.ts files, and it added new field from this function?
How are you filling m_data ?
Actually, I have some .xml file with some name and phrase which I should to translate I getting this string phrase to some struct and use it in class with qmlRegisterType() going to qml, and have some getter with Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name CONSTANT) and call it in qml text: name_of_register_type.name
What I should to add to get this name in my generic .ts file for Qt Linguist? -
That's not the role of Linguist.
Is that XML file something you change often ?
In that case you should either translate this XML file directly and load the appropriate one when switching your application language or generate a C++ file from it and then use Qt Linguist on that one.
@S_max07 You might wrap a text in
file with syntax recognized by lupdate, i.e.:<?xml version="1.0"> <someKey>translate("someContext", "text to translate")</someKey>
when that key is handled by
, trim it and then translate:QXmlStreamReader xml; if (xml.name() == QLatin1String("someKey")) auto key = QApplication::translate("someContext", xml.readElementText() .replace(QLatin1String("translate(\"someContext\", \""), QString()) .replace(QLatin1String("\")"), QString()).toLocal8Bit());
and invoke
which also looks up for *.xml extensions:lupdate -extensions cpp,h,qml,xml -recursive src_dir xml_dir -ts some_file.ts