How to enter Logical expression in QLineEdit with QCompleter?
I have a lineEdit in which I have to enter Logical expression like(one*two+three). I have loaded QStringList["one", "two", "three"]. Now the issue is Qcompleter clears the lineEdit everytime I highlighted the text using Arrow keys(up & down). In my code i have connect the highlighted signal with a slot which clears the QLineEdit.
Kindly give me a solution enter logical expression in QLineEdit with QCompleter
class Completer(QCompleter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Completer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setCaseSensitivity(Qt.CaseInsensitive) self.existing_txt = "" self.counter = 0 self.highlighted.connect(self.onActivated) # Add texts instead of replace def pathFromIndex(self, index): try: if self.counter == 0 : path = QCompleter.pathFromIndex(self, index) self.existing_txt = self.widget().text() self.existing_txt=self.existing_txt[0 : self.start_index : ] + self.existing_txt[self.end_index: :] self.existing_txt = self.existing_txt[: self.start_index] + path + self.existing_txt[self.start_index:] path = self.existing_txt self.widget().setText(path) self.counter =1 return path else: self.counter = 0 return self.existing_txt except Exception as e: alert = QMessageBox() alert.setWindowTitle("Warning!") main.error("pathFromIndex" + str(e)) alert.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) alert.setText("Error in pathfromIndex!") alert.exec_() def onActivated(self): try: # self.existing_txt = self.widget().text() QTimer.singleShot(0,self.widget().clear) # self.widget().setText(self.existing_txt) except Exception as e: main.error("lineedit clear" + str(e)) def splitPath(self, path): try: char_list = ["*", "+", "(", ")", "~"] input = self.widget().text() self.existing_txt = input point = self.widget().cursorPosition() self.end_index = len(path) self.start_index = -1 for i in char_list: index = path.find(i,point) if index != -1 and self.end_index > index: self.end_index = index for i in char_list: index = path.rfind(i,0,point ) if index != -1 and self.start_index < index: self.start_index = index self.start_index += 1 if self.start_index == self.end_index: return [""] path = path[self.start_index: self.end_index:] return [path] except Exception as e: alert = QMessageBox() alert.setWindowTitle("Warning!") main.error("splitPath" + str(e)) alert.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) alert.setText("Error in splitpath!") alert.exec_()
As silly as it may sound but if you do not want to have your line edit cleared when you move up and down the arrow, do not clear based on the highlighted signal.
If i didn't clear the QLineEdit it is appending the text in the QLineEdit for every move of arrow like onetwothree
solved the problem by adding self.end_index = len(self.existing_txt) in pathFromIndex after getting the text value from QLineEdit