Converting image to RGB16 in array
General and Desktop
void MainWindow::selectedImageDisplay(QString img) { QImage imageObject; // Make a new imageObject imageObject.load(img); // Load the image from path imageObject = imageObject.convertToFormat(QImage::Format_RGB16); QJsonArray RGB565; for(int y = 0; y < 128; y++) { const quint16 *line = reinterpret_cast<const quint16*>(imageObject.constScanLine(y)); for(int x = 0; x < 128; x++) { RGB565 << *(line++); } } socket.sendCommandStrip(QStringLiteral("pixArt"), RGB565); }
Is it possible to make this smaller in size?
the reason for this is the ESP32 does not have enough memory for this... when i send this over and use ArduinoJson lib to deserializeJson i end up with errorDeserializationError::NoMemory
How much memory do you have available on that device ?
Free Heap Size Befor Matrix : 330604 *** ESP32-HUB75-MatrixPanel-I2S-DMA: Memory Allocations Complete *** Total memory that was reserved: 132 kB. ... of which was used for the DMA Linked List(s): 4 kB. Heap Memory Available: 192340 bytes total. Largest free block: 113792 bytes. General RAM Available: 123968 bytes total. Largest free block: 113792 bytes. Free Heap Size after Matrix : 192196 [WIFI][STATUS] Connecting to WiFi.. [WIFI][STATUS] Connected Free Heap Size after Wifi : 135128 Free Heap Size after Socket : 135008
Free Heap Size after Socket : 135008
is what im left withthis does not include
DynamicJsonDocument inData(128*128);
(and i belive even 128*128 is not even big enough)
uint16_t pixelArt[128*128] = { };
i copy the array from json into this and then over to the Matrix Display -
You might need to send your image in smaller chunks and process these chunks on your device.
Never done what ?