Can find TreeView module in QML
I'm trying to build a simple QML app which uses a TreeView, using QT Creator with QT 5.15.2. I discovered that TreeView is not included with QtQuick Controls 2.x so the compilation fails.
Instead it seems (if I understand the documentation correctly) that I must import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 But Qt Creator complains that it's not installed. And the Qt Maintenance tools doesn't offer a way to install this.
Help! What am I doing wrong?
I installed 5.x kit, so Qt Controls 1.x SHOULD be installed. I closed Qt Creator and reopened and now warning is gone. Strange...
But I am still unclear on something. is TreeView included with QtQuick Controls 2.x ? If not, does that mean TreeView is deprecated and will be dropped in Qt 6? (Should I avoid using TreeView ?)
@ocgltd if you're running open source, you can get it "for free" from the market place
I installed 5.x kit, so Qt Controls 1.x SHOULD be installed. I closed Qt Creator and reopened and now warning is gone. Strange...
But I am still unclear on something. is TreeView included with QtQuick Controls 2.x ? If not, does that mean TreeView is deprecated and will be dropped in Qt 6? (Should I avoid using TreeView ?)