Signal/slots in different threads and const reference?
General and Desktop
Hello all,
Is it okay to have a slot that will be called from a different thread and that takes as its first argument a const QByteArray&?
For instance, let say I have a Receiver class (inheriting from QObject):class Receiver : public QObject { Q_OBJECT: public: Receiver(QObject* parent = nullptr); public slots: void dataReceived(const QByteArray& data); private: QThread m_thread; }
and the constructor is defined as:
Receiver::Receiver(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) { moveToThread(&m_thread); }
When the onDataReceived slot will be called from an object living in another thread than the m_thread above, is it guaranteed that the QBytearray will live long enough?
Thank you!
@mistralegna Qt::QueuedConnections do implicit copying, so even when its marked const ref, the byte array will be copied and therefore live long enough