automoc usage in cmake
I am using qt for one of my project. So My CMakeLists look like this. I removed some lines from this cmakelists which i shared because i felt that is not relevant to this particular problem.
So I am using uic_dummy.h in the sources list which contains qt related objects.the reason for not using set(CMAKE_AUTOUIC ON) is because we lost the ui file and so for the time being we are using that header file generated by uic compiler. I am also currently working to recreate ui by going through this header.set (CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) include(FetchContent) find_package(Qt5Core CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5Widgets) set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--export-all-symbols") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} /MT") find_package(Eigen3 CONFIG REQUIRED HINTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/eigen/share/eigen3/cmake) set(OpenCV_STATIC ON) find_package(OpenCV CONFIG REQUIRED HINTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/opencv) # include directories include_directories(inc) include_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) include_directories(${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR}) # specify target set(TARGET_NAME dummy) set (TARGET_SOURCES inc/uic_dummy.h inc/dummy.h inc/stdafx.h src/moc_dummy.cpp src/dummy.cpp src/stdafx.cpp ) target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE Qt5::Widgets tinyxml2::tinyxml2 ${OpenCV_LIBS})
In my case dummy class is declared in dummy.h and the definition of it is given in dummy.cpp. I am using #include"moc_dummy.cpp" in dummy.cpp for build time optimization things.
Given "dummy.h" and "dummy.cpp", and a project managed by cmake, the build system should direct moc to generate output like:
moc_dummy.cpp from dummy.h, iff dummy.h contains Q_OBJECT macro.and in dummy.h contains Q_Object Macro.
So i am currently using moc_dummy.cpp in dummy.cpp by #include"moc_dummy.cpp". I wanted to do like this because in dummy.cpp i have a funciton where i am using connect function (connecting signals and slots) so i need to have moc included in this file.
so now my question is , Since i have moc file which is already created/used by someone and if i include that moc file its working properly but i wanted to generate moc file everytime when we build and then automatically do something like #include"moc_dummy.cpp".
The reason to do this kind of things because i planned to change a bit few things so i am trying to fix this first.
Please pardon me if my question misses some clarity. I tried my best to give more clarity. If you are missing some clarity i will try to develop my question based on your comments.
Please also ignore question title as i didnt get much better titleAny help is much appreciated.
@jsulm Thanks for the reply. I alreay tried by seeing this manual. May be i might also done wrong. But i will let you know what i have done.
In CMakeLists.txt i made few changes which can be seen below
set (CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) include(FetchContent) find_package(Qt5Core CONFIG REQUIRED) find_package(Qt5Widgets) set(CMAKE_AUTOMOC ON) set(CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "-Wl,--export-all-symbols") set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE} /MT") find_package(Eigen3 CONFIG REQUIRED HINTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/eigen/share/eigen3/cmake) set(OpenCV_STATIC ON) find_package(OpenCV CONFIG REQUIRED HINTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libs/opencv) # include directories include_directories(inc) include_directories(${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}) include_directories(${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) include_directories(${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR}) # specify target set(TARGET_NAME dummy) set (TARGET_SOURCES inc/uic_dummy.h inc/dummy.h inc/stdafx.h src/dummy.cpp src/stdafx.cpp ) target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE Qt5::Widgets tinyxml2::tinyxml2 ${OpenCV_LIBS})
and in my dummy.cpp i used like this
#include "stdafx.h" #include "moc_dummy.cpp" #include <string> #include <ctime>
and the error comes like
AutoMoc error 2> ------------- 2> "SRC:/dummy/src/dummy.cpp" 2> includes the moc file "moc_dummy.cpp", 2> but a header "dummy.{h,hh,h++,hm,hpp,hxx,in,txx}" 2> could not be found in the following directories 2> "SRC:/dummy/src" 2> "SRC:/dummy/inc" 2> "BIN:" 2> "SRC:/libs/eigen/include/eigen3" 2> "SRC:/libs/opencv/include" 2> "C:/ADTF/3.3.3/pkg/adtffiltersdk/include" 2> "C:/ADTF/3.3.3/pkg/a_utils/include" 2> "C:/ADTF/3.3.3/pkg/adtfucom3/include" 2> "C:/ADTF/3.3.3/pkg/adtfbase/include" 2> "C:/ADTF/3.3.3/pkg/adtfstreaming3/include" 2> "C:/ADTF/3.3.3/pkg/adtfsystemsdk/include" 2> "C:/ADTF/3.3.3/pkg/adtfmediadescription/include" 2> "C:/ADTF/3.3.3/pkg/adtfddl/include" 2> "C:/ADTF/3.3.3/pkg/adtfremotesdk/include" 2> "C:/ADTF/3.3.3/pkg/adtfrpc/include" 2> "C:/ADTF/3.3.3/pkg/easy_profiler/include" 2> "C:/Qt/5.12.2/msvc2015_64/include" 2> "C:/Qt/5.12.2/msvc2015_64/include/QtWidgets" 2> "C:/Qt/5.12.2/msvc2015_64/include/QtGui" 2> "C:/Qt/5.12.2/msvc2015_64/include/QtANGLE" 2> "C:/Qt/5.12.2/msvc2015_64/include/QtCore" 2> "C:/Qt/5.12.2/msvc2015_64/mkspecs/win32-msvc" 2> "SRC:/libs/tinyxml2/include" 2> "C:/ADTF/3.3.3/pkg/adtfui/include"
From the error file i can say that it couldnt find dummy.h but dummy.h is there.So I am currently seeing what i have done wrong. Like checking paths and such things because from the error i can find this info only.