Change Compiler, from MinGW to MSVC not possible?
I try to switch from MinGW to MSVC but it is not working?
Here is the Default kit :
And here is the "New" Visual C++ Kit I tried to build:
Trouble is, when I try to make a new Project, I can't select the new Kit:
I suspect Qt is not happy about the "Missing Qt Version" in the new Kit?Any help is appreciated.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
To use MSVC, you need a Qt version built with that compiler. You can't mix and match C++ libraries built with MinGW and MSVC.
@noabena said in Change Compiler, from MinGW to MSVC not possible?:
how do I get/download/compile it?
Qt or MSVC?
You can download community edition of MSVC from Microsoft (or the build tools).
Qt can be installed in the usual way: using online installer (or, if you already installed some Qt versions, use the Qt Maintenance Tool to also install Qt for MSVC).