Mentioned Platform support, development or runtime?
Looking at supported Platforms for Qt 5.15:
For macOS Supported platforms include 10.13, 10.14,10.15. Does that mean I can Build Qt and my Qt application on these platforms, or does it mean that my compiled application will Only run on these versions of OS? (Assuming I'm not using any features in latest OS version e.g. Dark Mode)
For macOS development, the rules follow these of Apple: build on the latest and target the oldest officially available supporting the APIs you need. Apple supports the three latest version of macOS meaning the current plus the two before.
You should be able to build it but there might be some warnings you might have to take into account.
As for the oldest version, you'll have to test.
If not working as you want, you have the option of using Parallels and build on an older version of macOS and Xcode.