How can I do something when the user clicks on a specific part of the text in a QTextEdit?
Qt for Python
How can I do something when the user clicks on a specific part of the text in a QTextEdit? I can't figure it out..
I've tried:
def addmsg(textedit, nick, message): textedit.cursor.insertText("<") nickframe = textedit.cursor.insertFrame(QTextFrameFormat()) nickframe.nick = nick framecursor = nickframe.firstCursorPosition() framecursor.insertText(nick) textedit.cursor.insertText("> ") colorify(textedit, message) textedit.cursor.insertHtml("<br>")
and then, in the QTextEdit subclass..
def mousePressEvent(self, e): print(f"{getattr(self.cursorForPosition(e.pos()).currentFrame(), 'nick', None)=}") print(f"{self.cursorForPosition(e.pos()).position()=}") print(f"{self.cursorForPosition(e.pos()).currentFrame()=}") print(f"{self.cursorForPosition(e.pos()).currentFrame().document().toPlainText()=}") print(f"{getattr(self.cursor.currentFrame(), 'nick', None)=}") print(f"{self.cursor.position()=}")
but there's two problems with this. one, self.cursorForPosition(e.pos()).currentFrame().document().toPlainText() always returns the whole document text, not the specific frame i'm trying to click on, and, of course, {getattr(self.cursor.currentFrame(), 'nick', None) is always None, and two, where I insert the frame it creates a newline, which I need it not to do.
I also tried:
class TextFragment(QTextDocumentFragment): def __init__(self, textdocument): QTextFragment.__init__(self, textdocument) def event(self, e): print(f"{e.type=}") def addmsg(textedit, nick, message): if config.show_timestamp: obj_now = textedit.insertPlainText(f"[{obj_now.hour: >2}:{obj_now.minute: >2}] ") textedit.cursor.insertText("<") nickdoc = TextFragment(QTextDocument(nick, textedit)) nickdoc.nick = nick textedit.cursor.insertFragment(nickdoc) textedit.cursor.insertText("> ") colorify(textedit, message) textedit.cursor.insertHtml("<br>")
but, as i expected, the event function apparently isn't triggered when I click on the text fragment.
I don't know what else to try.. Thanks.