Android : SupportedViewFinderResolutions is undefined / aspect ratio of VideoOutput not consistent
Hi, it seems that on qt 5.13.1 , android,
viewfinder.supportedViewFinderResolutions is not usable / accessible / defined on my different android devices.
I getqrc:/qml/pages/Capture.qml:251: TypeError: Property 'supportedViewfinderResolutions' of object QDeclarativeCameraViewfinder(0xc9045890) is not a function
with the following code
console.debug(" SUPPORTED VIEWFINDER RESOLUTIONS " + camera.viewfinder.supportedViewfinderResolutions())
The code is executed when the camera reaches the Camera.LoadedStatus.
I searched through the forums and found mentions of "backend not supporting", "backend might have problems".
Is this something that can be worked around? Also it appears the view finder has a default resolution set by the system;
can I somehow override that? The aspect ratio is not correct (even with autorotate set).
Can I create my own viewfinder renderer? What could be the best approach for that?Update:
What am I missing?
Digged a bit more around, found this, which seems to hint at where the onResolutionChange originates when camera becomes active:but there is no supportedViewfinderResolutions declared at all;
and also :Mentions Jolla. Guess Ill have to take a look a their camera app to understand how they get the aspect ratio of the viewfinder to be correct (which is reported as default on 4:3 on all the android devices I have).
Please help me understand Qt :D