Run qt example is not warning and error but nothing is displayed (exception window)
Hello everbody,
I have a trouble with qt creator 4.14.1 when i run qt example is not warning and error but nothing is displayed (exception window white screen) ( below the image). I have already installed window 10 and installed qt creator .Example I run that is qmlchart and i use mingw 8.1 64 bit
So do i install missing file ? I guess issue belongs to graphics ( because nothing is display example color , rectangle, v.. v....) and i checked my computer is using directX 12
Could anyone please help me?
Thank you,
@longhoangdev Did you try other examples? Do those work?
@longhoangdev well, if you do not explicitly tell it to, Qml will still use OpenGL for qml rendering
IIRC, setting
qputenv("QSG_RHI", "1");
should remedy that...You can check if it helps
More information here:
is the Qt- way (notice theq
before putenv ?) of setting an environment variable