QScrollArea Not Expanding QCreate
Hello! I have a Scroll Area that I have filled with some random widgets. The QScrollArea has a grid layout and when I resize the application these are my results:
(When Enlarged)
(When Squished Side ways)
I am using QCreator and am unsure as to why the QScrollArea is not operating like it should, it operates like it should when squished sideways, but not vertically?
@cdecde57 said in QScrollArea Not Expanding QCreate:
QScrollArea has a grid layout
That's your issue, that layout should be on a widget that you set on your QScrollArea.
You're welcome !
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I went and added a handful of buttons that are inside of a layout. I placed this layout into the scroll area, but it does not scroll.
Ive already tried looking it up and I think I am doing what they want, but it does not work some reason?
As I already wrote, do not put a layout on the QScrollArea. That's not the way to use it.
Sorry I do not. I usually build my interfaces through code which might be easier in your case if you have to add lots of widgets to your area.
@SGaist Sorry for the long reply, I was afk. What you said worked! Really need to watch those layouts, gotta set the QScrollArea to have a QWidget in it, that widget gets the main layout you want and it expands as you need.Thank you for your help and time!