How do I use PropertyBrowser?
I need a property grid for my application. I see that there is a QtPropertyBrowser in the tools section of the source, but I'm not sure how to use it. Is that built into the Qt DLLs already? Or do I need to build that myself? If I need to build it myself can anyone explain exactly what needs to be done? Do I need to build a "tools" DLL? Are there instructions on how to do that somewhere?
I'm using Qt as LGPL in a commercial application so I can't include any of the code directly in my project. I need some way to link to it externally.
I could only say I think it can't be used as the way you want easily. I'm not sure is there any complicated way.
Also these classes should be written for the designer, they may even be not suitable for your case.
Maybe It's better to just use QTreeWidget or Model/View to write your own.