How to close the subroutine of the program started by qprocess?
You can't. Your Qt app can only do something to the A sub-process it started, not some B sub-process which A starts. Hopefully when A terminates B will terminate too, but you have no control over that. I assume you're usingQProcess::start()
and notQProcess::startDetached()
, FWIW. -
Then fix A so it properly shuts down B
As @Christian-Ehrlicher has said. And as I said earlier, what else would you like us to say? Just because you would like A to shut down B does not mean Qt app has any control over this, or that we can wave magic wand to make it so it does.... -
Try this
kill( m_process->pid(), SIGINT );
before m_process is closed.or
QString cmd = QString( "kill -9 %1" ).arg( m_process->pid() );
call this
exec( cmd.toStdString().c_str() );std::string exec(const char* cmd) {
std::array<char, 128> buffer;
std::string result;
std::unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&pclose)> pipe(popen(cmd, "r"), pclose);
if (!pipe) {
throw std::runtime_error("popen() failed!");
while (fgets(, buffer.size(), pipe.get()) != nullptr) {
result +=;
return result;
from -
@JoeCFD How should this help killing a sub-sub-process? Apart from this the OP is on windows...
Then 'kill' should be available. But it still does not solve your problem. Fix your 'A' program to properly shut down it's spawned processes.
My program runs on Ubuntu
And so? As I & @Christian-Ehrlicher have said, you cannot use this to kill a "sub-sub-process". You don't know the PID of the process you want to kill.
Can you please take the time to address what @Christian-Ehrlicher wrote earlier:
Then fix A so it properly shuts down B
[Under Linux you could try using
to kill allB
processes, but I really wouldn't recommend it....] -
@jiaming said in How to close the subroutine of the program started by qprocess?:
I found that PPID of B is 1
You need PID if you want to kill it...
@jiaming You could try to get PID from B using PID from A, see
@jiaming said in How to close the subroutine of the program started by qprocess?:
I found that PPID of B is 1......
Which is why I said I do not think that sending a
to the parent (A
) will have any effect onB
...!A process ID value of 1 indicates that there is no parent process associated with the [...] process."
@jiaming kill( m_process->pid(), SIGINT ); <==this does what you need. You need somehow to find the pid of B.
std::string pid_str = exec( "pidof B" ); exec is defined in the post above and "pidof" is a linux command to find process id.
if( !pid_str.empty() ) {
int pid = std::stoi( pid_str );
kill( pid, SIGINT );