QMediaPlayer Synchronization Problem
I everyone, I have more than one mediaplayer and each mediaplayer has its own video in different videowidgets.
I am using player2->setPosition(player1->position())
However, there is a synchronziation problem. the second video is like coming 1 or 2 frame late.
Is there any solution?
@jsulm YEs, I tried it too. But some of the videos can be created in run time later. If I create all videos at the start of the program, no problem about synchronization. However, if a video is created later than others, at the first play it takes time to render it; so that it comes late
@DzCode said in QMediaPlayer Synchronization Problem:
when I do connect(player1, &QMediaPlayer::positionChanged, player2, &QMediaPlayer::setPosition); the end user can see a little flickering
Yes, because you do the positioning over signals/slots for every frame I guess :-)
Maybe you could start the new video and somewhat later position it? To avoid the delays caused by loading the video. -
Are these players playing the same media?
In that case maybe you can try the function added in 5.15void QMediaPlayer::setVideoOutput(const QVector<QAbstractVideoSurface *> &surfaces)
It should be able to make one single player having multiple video outputs.
@Bonnie for just trial, I am using the same video, but they will have different video. Also I have to use Qt 5.12.x versions. I have different mediaplayers and different qvideowidgets for each video. However, the time should be synchronized
I forgot the write down the solution.
When I add a new video dynamically when other videos are running, I am not stopping videos. I set up a dynamic QTimer which works 2 times for synchroniation, and updates the posiitons just for 2 seconds, and then timer stops