FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: NULL_POINTER_READ_c0000005_Qt5Gui.dll!QTabletEvent::yTilt
Hello Friends And Qt Experts
when i am running my application and sometime my application will be crash at any time
so i am save Dump File for Details
when i analyze my Dump File i got this Error.Qt5Gui.dll!QTabletEvent::yTilt
:: Full Details Is ::
SYMBOL_NAME: Qt5Gui!QTabletEvent::yTilt+5d9
IMAGE_NAME: Qt5Gui.dll
STACK_COMMAND: ~0s ; .ecxr ; kb
FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: NULL_POINTER_READ_c0000005_Qt5Gui.dll!QTabletEvent::yTilt
OS_VERSION: 10.0.19041.1
BUILDLAB_STR: vb_release
OSNAME: Windows 10
FAILURE_ID_HASH: {b00420ac-b17d-c5bb-674f-da896ef2523a}
Followup: MachineOwnerPlease help Me to Solve this Exception
Thanks In Advance -
@Ketan__Patel__0011 said in FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: NULL_POINTER_READ_c0000005_Qt5Gui.dll!QTabletEvent::yTilt:
Please help Me to Solve this Exception
Please post the stack trace after the crash...
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for Qt5Widgets.dll
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for Qt5Core.dll
*** WARNING: Unable to verify checksum for qwindows.dll
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for MYApplication.exeSTACK_TEXT:
000000986b7b95f0 00007ff8
be0a9b99 : 00000273575325a0 00000273
56f683b0 000000000000033d 00000000
00000239 : Qt5Gui!QTabletEvent::yTilt+0x5d9
000000986b7b96a0 00007ff8
be0a940d : 0000000000000500 00000000
0000033d 000000986b7b9bb0 00000098
6b7b9bb0 : Qt5Gui!QVectorPath::convertToPainterPath+0x2a3a9
000000986b7b96e0 00007ff8
bdf4f83c : 000000986b7b9bb0 00000000
0000033d 0000027356f67f90 40900000
00000000 : Qt5Gui!QVectorPath::convertToPainterPath+0x29c1d
000000986b7b9770 00007ff8
bdf502c7 : 0000027356f67f01 00000000
00000500 0000027356f67f90 00000000
00000000 : Qt5Gui!QImage::smoothScaled+0x1ec
000000986b7b9840 00007ff8
bdf4e293 : 0000027356f67f90 00000273
56f67f90 0000000000000000 00000000
00000001 : Qt5Gui!QImage::transformed+0x4c7
000000986b7b9b70 00007ff8
c92790a8 : 000002390000033d 00000273
56f67f90 0000000000000000 00007ff9
07149761 : Qt5Gui!QImage::scaled+0x1f3
000000986b7b9ca0 00007ff8
c918db3f : 000002390000033d 00007ff8
c9150000 0000027300000481 00000273
00000491 : Qt5Widgets!QLabel::paintEvent+0x888
000000986b7ba010 00007ff8
c92316c7 : 0000027300000002 00000098
6b7baa98 000002734bebbd90 00000273
527c2b00 : Qt5Widgets!QWidget::event+0x5cf
000000986b7ba1f0 00007ff8
c9168f30 : 000002734bef3fb0 00000273
51e76730 0000027351e76730 00000098
6b7baa98 : Qt5Widgets!QFrame::event+0x37
000000986b7ba220 00007ff8
c9167e6d : 000002734bebb420 00000098
6b7ba350 000000986b7baa98 00000273
4bde0cf0 : Qt5Widgets!QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper+0x140
000000986b7ba250 00007ff8
bda95729 : 0000027351e76730 00000098
6b7baa98 0000000000000000 00000273
4bebb420 : Qt5Widgets!QApplication::notify+0x1b1d
000000986b7ba970 00007ff8
c918d17a : 0000027351e76730 00000000
00000000 0000027351e76730 00000273
51e76730 : Qt5Core!QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2+0xb9
000000986b7ba9f0 00007ff8
c9193655 : 000002735222e290 00000273
5222e160 000002735222e160 00007ff8
00000014 : Qt5Widgets!QWidgetPrivate::drawWidget+0xa8a
000000986b7bab60 00007ff8
c918cd2b : 000002735232f840 00000273
527c2b48 00000273525ae780 00007ff8
00000015 : Qt5Widgets!QWidgetPrivate::paintSiblingsRecursive+0x3b5
000000986b7bac70 00007ff8
c9193655 : 000002735232f970 00000273
5232f840 000002735232f840 00007ff8
00000005 : Qt5Widgets!QWidgetPrivate::drawWidget+0x63b
000000986b7bade0 00007ff8
c918cd2b : 000002735089edf0 00000273
527c2b48 00000273525ae6a0 00007ff8
0000000d : Qt5Widgets!QWidgetPrivate::paintSiblingsRecursive+0x3b5
000000986b7baef0 00007ff8
c9193655 : 000002735089ef20 00000273
5089edf0 000002735089edf0 00007ff8
ffffffff : Qt5Widgets!QWidgetPrivate::drawWidget+0x63b
000000986b7bb060 00007ff8
c918cd2b : 0000027350621cd0 00000273
527c2b48 00000273525ae360 00000273
00000001 : Qt5Widgets!QWidgetPrivate::paintSiblingsRecursive+0x3b5
000000986b7bb170 00007ff8
c9170904 : 000000986b7bb4d8 00000000
00000000 0000000000000000 00000000
00000024 : Qt5Widgets!QWidgetPrivate::drawWidget+0x63b
000000986b7bb2e0 00007ff8
c918dff1 : 0000027300000005 00007ff8
c921e900 00007ff8bdbb6148 00000273
525ae0a0 : Qt5Widgets!QApplication::windowIcon+0x2674
000000986b7bb6e0 00007ff8
c9168f30 : 000002734bef3fb0 00000273
507215e0 00000273507215e0 00000273
525ae2e0 : Qt5Widgets!QWidget::event+0xa81
000000986b7bb8c0 00007ff8
c9167e6d : 000002734bebb420 00000098
6b7bb9f0 00000273525ae2e0 00000000
00000000 : Qt5Widgets!QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper+0x140
000000986b7bb8f0 00007ff8
bda95729 : 00000273525ae2e0 00000273
525ae2e0 0000000000000000 00000273
4bebb420 : Qt5Widgets!QApplication::notify+0x1b1d
000000986b7bc010 00007ff8
bda9793d : 000000986b7bc148 00000000
00000000 00000273525ae2e0 00000098
6b7bc148 : Qt5Core!QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2+0xb9
000000986b7bc090 00007ff8
c903deaf : 0000027300000000 00000000
00000000 000002734bef5080 00000273
4bebb450 : Qt5Core!QCoreApplicationPrivate::sendPostedEvents+0x22d
000000986b7bc150 00007ff8
bdae1c76 : 0000000000000000 00000000
00000000 0000000000000401 00000098
6b7bc398 : qwindows!qt_plugin_query_metadata+0x1d9f
000000986b7bc180 00007ff9
0683e858 : 0000000000000000 00000000
00000000 0000000000000001 00000000
00000000 : Qt5Core!QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents+0xd46
000000986b7bc2b0 00007ff9
0683e299 : 0000000000003dff 00007ff8
bdae18a0 00000000001b14f2 00000273
00000401 : user32!UserCallWinProcCheckWow+0x2f8
000000986b7bc440 00007ff8
bdae1466 : 00007ff8bdae18a0 00000273
4bef9e01 000002734bef9e00 00000000
00000000 : user32!DispatchMessageWorker+0x249
000000986b7bc4c0 00007ff8
c903de89 : 0000000000000000 00000273
00000024 000000986b7bf700 00000098
00000000 : Qt5Core!QEventDispatcherWin32::processEvents+0x536
000000986b7bf640 00007ff8
bda915e3 : 000002734bef3fb0 00000273
00000014 000002735017d330 00000273
4bebb420 : qwindows!qt_plugin_query_metadata+0x1d79
000000986b7bf670 00007ff8
bda94394 : 000002734beb4c40 00000273
00000000 000002734bebb420 00000273
4bee6f40 : Qt5Core!QEventLoop::exec+0x1b3
000000986b7bf6f0 00007ff6
fbbf37a4 : 000000986b7bf788 00000273
4bef3e50 000000986b7bf788 00000000
00000000 : Qt5Core!QCoreApplication::exec+0x144
000000986b7bf760 00000098
6b7bf788 : 000002734bef3e50 00000098
6b7bf788 0000000000000000 ffffffff
fffffffe : MYApplication+0x737a4
000000986b7bf768 00000273
4bef3e50 : 000000986b7bf788 00000000
00000000 fffffffffffffffe 00007ff8
c94991a0 : 0x000000986b7bf788 00000098
6b7bf770 000000986b7bf788 : 00000000
00000000 fffffffffffffffe 00007ff8
c94991a0 000002734bebbd90 : 0x00000273
000000986b7bf778 00000000
00000000 : fffffffffffffffe 00007ff8
c94991a0 000002734bebbd90 00000273
4be9da60 : 0x00000098`6b7bf788 -
@Ketan__Patel__0011 I don't see anything obvious. Could be a bug in Qt. You should check Qt bug tracker and file a bug if there is nothing related.
@Ketan__Patel__0011 You can search on Qt bugtracker ( for the error you get (FAILURE_BUCKET_ID, NULL_POINTER_READ).
@Ketan__Patel__0011 said in FAILURE_BUCKET_ID: NULL_POINTER_READ_c0000005_Qt5Gui.dll!QTabletEvent::yTilt:
So Should I have to change my Qt Version ?
I did not suggest that
This is being discussed in another of @Ketan__Patel__0011's threads, And the latest reply there by @Christian-Ehrlicher implies that he is using threads and addressing the UI from non-UI threads, which is likely the cause....