My program isnt finding qrc:/main.qml
QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment. QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component qrc:/main.qml: No such file or directory
My project is with that structure:
GUI is called to open a window in Client and HackoranDLL subdirectories, what i am doing wrong?
EDIT: GUI subdirectory is an static library
If you have a similar problem, just put Q_INIT_RESOURCE(name file without " and without .qrc);
WARNING: you need to put it outside a namespace, otherwise it will report a LNK error! if you need to put inside a name space, create an function outside of any namespace and call this macro, easy -
im getting a link error now
GUI.lib(main.cpp.obj):-1: error: LNK2019: s�mbolo externo n�o resolvido, "int __cdecl gui::qInitResources_qml(void)" (?qInitResources_qml@gui@@YAHXZ), referenciado na fun��o "void __cdecl gui::openWindow(class hackoran::instance *)" (?openWindow@gui@@YAXPEAVinstance@hackoran@@@Z)
any idea?
Not knowing your library code, it's hard to tell.
Are you using any namespaces ?
i already solved it, look at the topic above
Good :-)
I would suggest for next time to add a message pointing that. Users will likely go through the answers missing your edits.