Add widget from C++ to QML
Hello all!
I have the following question: I have created QChartView in my C++ code to display some inner data (have already added necessary axes, data, fonts). I can get pointer to this object from C++ in QML. But what is the correct way to add it in QML (e.g. add it in some Item and use like usual QML object):
ChartView { // Here is my C++ object, not new one id: _myChart anchors.fill: parent antialiasing: true }
and so on?
@St-Stanislav Not sure if this helps, but there is this the QtQuickWidget.
Edit: It looks to do the opposite though.
If you want to mix widgets within your QtQuick application you should check KDAB's DeclarativeWidgets project.
Your description is not exactly clear.
Can you please provide an example of what exactly you are trying to achieve ?
I have tried to describe my issue more detailed. Generally my current state and plan is following: I have several external devices, I get data from them and show on plot sequentially. I use QML in the following way (here is essential part of the code):
Item { id: root ChartView { id: chartIntensity axes: [ ValueAxis { id: xAxis min: baseChartView.minX max: baseChartView.maxX }, ValueAxis { id: yAxis min: baseChartView.minY max: baseChartView.maxY } ] LineSeries { id: lineSerieIntensity axisX: xAxis axisY: yAxis useOpenGL: true } Component.onCompleted: { baseChartView.setMainSeries(lineSerieIntensity); }
Here you can see
, it is my own class, where I do a lot of work (resize axis, add additional plots and so on). I create methodsetMainSeries(QAbstractSeries* abstractSeries)
to catch ChartView (but basically I get QChart and then receive its line series) that has been created in QML and to work with it:void BaseChartView::setMainSeries(QAbstractSeries *abstractSeries) { if (abstractSeries == Q_NULLPTR) return; if (abstractSeries->type() == QtCharts::QAbstractBarSeries::SeriesTypeLine) m_mainSeries = static_cast<QLineSeries*>(abstractSeries); m_chart = m_mainSeries->chart(); }
That was my working code when I use only one device at once. Now I'm going to use several external devices and plot data from them separately and simultaneously. So I have decided to use ListView in QML and create my own delegate and connect with some inner c++ object (corresponding to the external devices). Let me call it ExDevice. I have planned to create QChart inside my C++ code (and inside every ExDevice) and show it on my ListView delegate. If I continue with my already checked code, I need to create ChartView inside my ListView delegate and get QChart pointer as I have done before. I don't know, if it is a correct way. So I wondering about reverse approach. If my suggest about this reverse approach is not correct (creating QChart inside ExDevice and showing it someway in QML), I would be appreciate for any advices about good practice about my task.
Thank you in advance!
AFAIK, the QtQuick ChartView type has nothing to do with the QChart class.
Your backend should only manage your device and provide the data so you keep things cleanly separated. Then you UI is responsible to do the updates.
@SGaist But does it connected with QChartView? Anyway, am I right to use my current approach? I create ChartView in QML, then it's pointer in C++ and manage it with C++?
I had some problems with this approach: my backend is created earlier than UI, so I should to keep uninitialized state till QML create UI and C++ gets access to ChartView. -
I took a look at the DeclarativeChart class and it does use QChart under the hood (but does not inherit from it).
Your backend should really be independent of your GUI.
Only provide data and then you can update your series in your QML code.