Where is my SIGNAL ?
My objective is to track an item selection in list.
I am using an example "btscanner" and have copied the attached "connect".
Noticed that both SIGNAL and SLOT are same object.How does that work?
I do not see any such SIGNAL definition anywhere in the original example.
I can fill the list widget, click on an item. It highlights item in red background but my SLOT does not execute.
Any suggestion how to debug this ? I have the original btscanner dialog working ,but I cannot figure out how to "step thru" the working slot function.connect(ui->list, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*)));
Just in case , i did try both
itemActivated - original btscanner
on_list_itemActivated - QtDesigner build SLOT functionI am getting this run time error on both
'lear BT devices NOW ! QObject::connect: No such slot MainWindow_CAT_TAB::itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*) in ../CAT_V3_backup/mainwindow_cat_tab.cpp:245 QObject::connect: (sender name: 'list') QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'MainWindow_CAT_TAB') QObject::connect: No such signal QListWidget::on_list_itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*) in ../CAT_V3_backup/mainwindow_cat_tab.cpp:252 QObject::connect: (sender name: 'list') QObject::connect: (receiver name: 'MainWindow_CAT_TAB') QDEBUG TRACE QDEBUG TRACE TASK SCAN
@Charby ```
Thanks for the reply.I believe part of the issue is - "itemActivated" is a build-in / standard SIGNAL, hence my "connect" needs to be
connect(ui->list, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*)),
this, SLOT(on_list_itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*)));It still does not execute the SLOT on_list_itemActivated.
I am not familiar with the Qt form editor I haven't used for years so my answer might not be accurate in that regards but from the original example, I can see that :
- ui->list is a QListWidget instance : the itemActivated(QListWidgetItem *item) signal is defined and triggered within QListWidget
- this is the DeviceDiscoveryDialog which declare the slots itemActivated() at line 83 in device.h and defined at line 142 in device.cpp
- as you have seen in DeviceDiscoveryDialog ctor, itemActivated signal of ui->list is connected to the DeviceDiscoveryDialog itemActivated slot. It means that after the connection is made, whenever within ui->list logic, the itemActivated signal is emitted, DeviceDiscoveryDialog::itemActivated will be called...
- if you need to debug, simply place a breakpoint inside the slot definition.
Now from your console errors, one can tell that you did made the connection but neither the slot (for MainWindow_CAT_TAB) and the signal (for list) are declared. Hard to tell you much without your actual code, but you might check for instance if list is actually a pointer to QListWidget...Note that connection magic is based on mocking so you might run qmake to ensure required generated code are up to date.
Hope this helped.
@Charby ```
Thanks for the reply.I believe part of the issue is - "itemActivated" is a build-in / standard SIGNAL, hence my "connect" needs to be
connect(ui->list, SIGNAL(itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*)),
this, SLOT(on_list_itemActivated(QListWidgetItem*)));It still does not execute the SLOT on_list_itemActivated.
Please show the declaration of the
Also assuming c++11 compliant compiler (which is a requirement for Qt 5.6+) please provide the output of:qDebug() << typeid(ui->list).name() << typeid(this).name();
put just before the
call. -
As stated before, e.g. https://forum.qt.io/topic/121592/please-help-with-lambda-sytax/17, life would be better for you and much easier for those who try to answer yourSIGNAL
errors if you changed to the new-style syntax, for compile-time diagnostics instead of dodgy runtime ones. -
The item is activated when the user clicks or double clicks on it, depending on the system configuration. I
My "system" is configured for "double click".
Any pointers WHERE is such , apparenlty default (?) configuration would be appreciated.
@AnneRanch said in Where is my SIGNAL ?:
What user, what error? Please answer the questions and provide the requested information before jumping to the next one.
If the original problem was solved, then do say so.Any pointers WHERE is such , apparenlty default (?) configuration would be appreciated.
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qabstractitemview.html#selectionBehavior-prop -
@kshegunov said in Where is my SIGNAL ?:
@AnneRanch said in Where is my SIGNAL ?:
What user, what error? Please answer the questions and provide the requested information before jumping to the next one.
If the original problem was solved, then do say so.Any pointers WHERE is such , apparenlty default (?) configuration would be appreciated.
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qabstractitemview.html#selectionBehavior-propLinks are appreciated. How about an real sample / example ?
Say "verify single or double click on (abstract ) item "?Problem was identified (USER was using single click ...) , so why "going back " is of an value ?
Move forward to other pressing issues... -
@JonB said in Where is my SIGNAL ?:
As stated before, e.g. https://forum.qt.io/topic/121592/please-help-with-lambda-sytax/17, life would be better for you and much easier for those who try to answer yourSIGNAL
errors if you changed to the new-style syntax, for compile-time diagnostics instead of dodgy runtime ones.Noting to do with connect , user error expecting "normal" single click to work.
I guess Qt default is different. Lesson learn - do not assume anything ( in Qt. ) . -
@AnneRanch said in Where is my SIGNAL ?:
How about an real sample / example ?
No thanks, I'm good.
Say "verify single or double click on (abstract ) item "?
I have nothing to verify, really, as I said, I'm good.
Problem was identified (USER was using single click ...) , so why "going back " is of an value ?
Move forward to other pressing issues...This isn't the problem from the above description, and as you're not taking any time to solve a/the original problem you're learning nothing. We even have a jargon for the kind of code penalty this behavior produces/encourages - "technical debt".
Ultimately, the decision is yours to make, but you should now convince me why I should spare my precious time to teach you anything, if you're all about cutting corners, not after learning things ... the ball is in your court, gal.
Free advice, take it if you will:Don't try to rush trough coding, especially when you have relatively little idea of what you're doing.
As for the more "soft" side of things, I'm not easily irked, but responses are going to ebb really quickly if you just ignore people's posts. We (people) don't like being ignored, especially after we have invested interest/time/effort. What usually happens is you're going to get ignored back ... that is to say, all this has happened before ...
My apology
as I said , I am using example "btscanner" as a guide.
Basically trying to logically go thru the bluetooth process.
Since I am just "flying blind" without much commentary guidance from Qt code example I did not know that "list" selection actually "connect" to two , so far only two, functions depending on "click" or "double click".
Actually "list" , as coded in btscanner , can be just highlighted without any SLOT being executed. -
@AnneRanch said in Where is my SIGNAL ?:
My apology
Not what I seek, and it's really beside the point. The point is you should invest the time to read through the description(s) of the classes and examples you're currently trying out, not flail about mismatched expectations. There's this peculiar russian expression (derived from a joke*): чукча писатель, чукча не читатель, so don't be like the humorous protagonist is the takeaway.
Basically trying to logically go thru the bluetooth process.
Okay, this is fine, but it seems to me you haven't the understanding (yet, presumably) about much more basic things, like how to do signal-slot connections and how to track the errors in these.
Since I am just "flying blind" without much commentary guidance from Qt code example I did not know that "list" selection actually "connect" to two , so far only two, functions depending on "click" or "double click".
Again, jumping ahead. The selection is managed by a selection model, and the view is (usually) backed by a data model, both of which are duly described in the "model-view" section in the documentation.[1] There's also clarifications what is a delegate and why it exists.
Actually "list" , as coded in btscanner , can be just highlighted without any SLOT being executed.
Of course. The list is a list, it has no idea who's going to respond to whatever it raises as 'interesting things that happened'™ (a.k.a signals). It just does, so other objects can subscribe to the events, but there's really no reason why it itself wouldn't allow for selections/editing even so. If some object is interested in the edit operation, then it'd connect to the relevant signals, makes sense, right?
* The joke goes like this:
A chukcha decided he wanted to be writer, and he wrote a novel and he presented his novel to the editor of a printing house. The editor was a straight shooter and told the chukcha:
'Look, it's a weak work, you need to read more of the classics to improve. Have you read Tolstoy, Dostoyevski?'
To which the chukcha replied proudly:
'No! Chukcha is a writer, not a reader!'Note: in the original russian the word for 'writer' is the same used for 'author'/'novelist' in this context.