Problem when building for Android (happens randombly BUT often)
Ok, QT Team yet another probably not to be answered problem we're having. As usually this happens RANDOMLY so.. it is difficult to say there is a configuration problem AT ALL.
This says it all:
"When executing step "Copy application data""If we build 10 times it happens like 3-5 in 10. On other times the build process succeeds. All it takes is to keep wasting time and trying to build again and again.
It's quite similar to how deployment works actually.. one time it works.. the other time the app crashes on instant once deployed. Not an app-related problem. Without debugger all is fine. We're using reference configurations as per your suggestions in docs, like the advised NDK etc etc. all installed by your software (QR Creator by itself by the way). Clean Windows VMs multiple phones. it's just ridiculous and that kind of experience has been going on here for years. nothing gets answered. maybe you all are iPhone users and do not care about Android we have no idea. People are having same problems like for 8+ years. In recent versions the build times and deployment IMPROVED.. that's a fact.. but the overall experience is STILL ridiculous.
I think we all are developes here IF the problem exists (and it does) and it happens randomly THEN it suggests that there might be some serious concurrency issues during the build-process (either file-access or whatever) would you kindly start using your own software spend a day or two building for android and fix these issues for all of us?
You should be aware that this is an opensource user forum. There might be a couple of actual, contributing developers of Qt around, but it is not likely to have those here who actually know the details which could leead to your problems.
If it is a bug you need to check and eventually report it on because the forum is not monitored for bug reports.
Also the developer's mailing list might help also in very specific issues
Whilst developing on Windows 10 64 bits and Android I have not encountered similar issues yet.
I have same problem and I suppose that is related with Dropbox service that I use for backup my project
few days ago I switch off auto sync for Dropbox and looks like it helps (need more time for guarantee)
perhaps you have similar problem with some process that lock files