Problem in text browser
What is it you don't like/want in the picture? You want to make the window higher so that more is shown? You don't like that scrolling might cause a line to be shown cut in half vertically? You want to control the scrolling so that it only scrolls a complete line at a time? Do you store HTML in the
or only plain text? -
Do you mean you want to scroll per line or per three lines ?
I'm not sure how to do this with QTextEdit, but if it's just plain text (like in your example) you can consider using QPlainTextEdit instead. This AFAIK scrolls by lines only by default.
If you can change like @kkoehne said that's easiest.Otherwise, you'll have to catch the scrollbar command. And then I imagine, because
accepts HTML not just plain text (I asked you earlier about this), you'll have to do something like measure the font's line height and multiple by 3 to get what you want (or be lazy and hard-code a figure!).