Get global variable in *.pro file. How?
General and Desktop
Hello all!
I need to use global variable from system environment in *.pro file. How to do it correctly?
Something like this:DESTDIR = $$(A_PREBUILT_LIBS_ROOT) PRI_FILE = $$DESTDIR/file.pri include($$PRI_FILE) message(Pri file dir $$DESTDIR)
How to get A_PREBUILT_LIBS_ROOT from system environment?
For now I see this:Project MESSAGE: Pri file dir
The example from documentation
DESTDIR1 = $$(PWD) message(The project will be installed in $$DESTDIR1)
Doesn't work either, I see this:
Project MESSAGE: The project will be installed in
not working?
To obtain the contents of an environment value when qmake is run, use the $$(...) operator