qmake problem with webassembly on windows
Qt Creator and other tools
I'm trying to compile my sample project on windows as webassembly.I have generated the .pro file from the VS tool (VS 2017). Then I'm opening the .pro file in the Qt Creator and running qmake inside (I've already set the wasm buildset, compilers, ...).
When I run the qmake I get this:
09:54:43: Running steps for project clientQt... 09:54:44: Starting: "D:\xxx\Qt\5.15.2\wasm_32\bin\qmake.exe" D:\yyy\clientQt\clientQt.pro -spec wasm-emscripten "CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG-=qml_debug" "CONFIG-=qtquickcompiler" Project MESSAGE: You are running qmake on a generated .pro file. This may not work! WARNING: Unable to generate output for: D:/yyy/clientQt/qt_build/Makefile [TEMPLATE Winifo2] QIODevice::write: device not open 09:54:44: The process "D:\xxx\Qt\5.15.2\wasm_32\bin\qmake.exe" exited normally. 09:54:44: Starting: "D:\xxx\Qt\Tools\mingw810_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" -f D:/yyy/clientQt/qt_build/Makefile qmake_all mingw32-make: D:/yyy/clientQt/qt_build/Makefile: No such file or directory mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target 'D:/yyy/clientQt/qt_build/Makefile'. Stop. 09:54:44: The process "D:\xxx\Qt\Tools\mingw810_32\bin\mingw32-make.exe" exited with code 2. Error while building/deploying project clientQt (kit: Qt 5.15.2 Wasm) The kit Qt 5.15.2 Wasm has configuration issues which might be the root cause for this problem. When executing step "qmake" 09:54:44: Elapsed time: 00:01.
I've searched for the answer but without success.
Anyone knows where could be the problem?
Thank you
@Trigve said in qmake problem with webassembly on windows:
WARNING: Unable to generate output for: D:/yyy/clientQt/qt_build/Makefile [TEMPLATE Winifo2]
QIODevice::write: device not openIs the D drive connected? qmake can't write there for some reason.