QObject member variable destruction: deleteLater vs this
General and Desktop
What is a better way to handle the destruction of a QObject class member variable?
With a destructor (class A) or with a "this" and therefore rely on the parent destruction (class B)?class A{ public: ~A() { m_label->deleteLater(); } void function(){ m_label = new QLabel; } private: QLabel* m_label; }
class B{ public: void function(){ m_label = new QLabel(this); } private: QLabel* m_label; }
Thanks for help.
"this" is cleaner I think. It also lets you have the class system manage the memory as intended. It also does not keep you from deleting it earlier either. I really don't see downsides to "this". With deleteLater you will be riddling your code with calls.
One thing that your code does not show is what are the base classes of class A and B. If you want to use them as parent of the members variable, they have to from a suitable base classe.