qmake to cmake, are there any tools to help automate this?
Hey folks, so I'm a total noob to cmake, and I'm trying to convert my current qmake setup over (since I figure that it has to happen sooner or later). However, I my qmake has a bunch of weird stuff in it that I'm not sure how to convert over:
# For use with Visual Studio message("Beginning qmake build of project_name.pro") TEMPLATE = app TARGET = project_name QT += core \ opengl \ gui \ widgets \ concurrent \ # Mutexes/multithreading openglextensions \ multimedia \ gamepad \ # Controller support network # TCP/IP # Set compiler flags ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += /MP # Multiprocess compile, much faster # MSVC versions after 15.3 are fickle with the flags required to use more modern c++ variants QMAKE_CXXFLAGS *= /std:c++17 # Add if not there, this may be the ticket # QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++17 # For GCC/Clang # QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -std=c++1z # Set general configuration options ///////////////////////////////////////////////// CONFIG += c++latest # Add support for c++17. # CONFIG += c++1z # another attempt at C++17 support CONFIG += qt thread # console CONFIG += debug_and_release # Creates additional debug and release folders, but need it for debug CONFIG(debug, debug|release){ DESTDIR = ../app/debug DEFINES += DEBUG_MODE } else { DESTDIR = ../app/release } # Replace O2 flag with O3 flag #CONFIG(release, debug|release) { # QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE -= -O1 # QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE -= -O2 # QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE *= -O3 #} # Do not display debug output in release mode CONFIG(debug, debug|release) : CONFIG += debug_info CONFIG(release, debug|release) : DEFINES += QT_NO_DEBUG_OUTPUT CONFIG += no_lflags_merge # Ensures that the list of libraries stored in the LIBS variable is not reduced to a list of unique values before it is used. # CONFIG += CONSOLE # makes this a console application CONFIG -= flat # flattens file hierarchy, subtract if this is not desired # Defines ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINES += _UNICODE _ENABLE_EXTENDED_ALIGNED_STORAGE WIN64 QT_DLL QT_OPENGL_LIB QT_OPENGLEXTENSIONS_LIB QT_WIDGETS_LIB DEFINES += DEVELOP_MODE DEFINES += LINALG_USE_EIGEN INCLUDEPATH += ./qt_generated \ . \ ./qt_generated/$(ConfigurationName) LIBS += -lopengl32 \ -lglu32 DEPENDPATH += . # Add Libraries //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// # Don't forget to add to unit tests project as well, or else Intellisense errors will carry over # Include PythonQt and required libraries # Maybe not needed here, since python.prf is included when PythonQt is built? # Note that both windows and linux style library links work in windows # LIBS += -L$$(PYTHON_LIB)/ -lpython$$(PYTHON_VERSION) # L"PATH" adds PATH to library search directory list, and -lName loads library Name during linking # Enable import <PythonQt.h> # INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/src/third_party/pythonqt #include ( ../third_party/PythonQt/build/python.prf ) #Was pulled from PythonQt build include ( ../third_party/PythonQt/build/common.prf ) include ( ../third_party/PythonQt/build/PythonQt.prf ) #include ( ../third_party/PythonQt/build/PythonQt_QtAll.prf ) # Compile against release version of python CONFIG(debug, debug|release) : DEFINES += PYTHONQT_USE_RELEASE_PYTHON_FALLBACK # Eigen INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/src/third_party/eigen \ $$PWD/src/third_party/eigen/Eigen # ASSIMP # To be able to write <module.h> INCLUDEPATH += ../third_party/assimp/assimp-5.0.0/include INCLUDEPATH += ../third_party/assimp/assimp-5.0.0/build/include CONFIG(debug, debug|release) : LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/assimp -lassimp_d CONFIG(release, debug|release) : LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/assimp -lassimp # PhysX DEFINES += PX_PHYSX_STATIC_LIB INCLUDEPATH += ../../PhysX/physx/include \ ../../PhysX/pxshared/include CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/debug -lPhysX_static_32 LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/debug -lPhysXCharacterKinematic_static_32 LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/debug -lPhysXCommon_static_32 LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/debug -lPhysXCooking_static_32 LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/debug -lPhysXExtensions_static_32 LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/debug -lPhysXFoundation_static_32 LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/debug -lPhysXPvdSDK_static_32 LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/debug -lPhysXVehicle_static_32 } CONFIG(release, debug|release) { # Always needed LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/release -lPhysXCommon_static_32 # Always needed LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/release -lPhysX_static_32 # Always needed LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/release -lPhysXFoundation_static_32 # To cook geometry data on the fly LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/release -lPhysXCooking_static_32 # Other LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/release -lPhysXCharacterKinematic_static_32 LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/release -lPhysXExtensions_static_32 LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/release -lPhysXPvdSDK_static_32 LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/physx/release -lPhysXVehicle_static_32 } # FreeType INCLUDEPATH += ../third_party/freetype-2.10.1/include CONFIG(debug, debug|release) : LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/freetype/debug -lfreetype CONFIG(release, debug|release) : LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/freetype/release -lfreetype # SoLoud INCLUDEPATH += ../third_party/soloud/include CONFIG(debug, debug|release) { LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/soloud/debug -lsoloud_x86_d LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/soloud/debug -lsoloud_static_x86_d } CONFIG(release, debug|release) { LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/soloud/release -lsoloud_x86 LIBS += -L$$PWD/lib/soloud/release -lsoloud_static_x86 } # Include Visual Leak Detector ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// INCLUDEPATH += "../third_party/Visual Leak Detector/include/" LIBS += -L"../third_party/Visual Leak Detector/lib/Win32" # Set directories ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MOC_DIR += ./qt_generated/moc OBJECTS_DIR += ./qt_generated/obj UI_DIR += ./qt_generated/ui RCC_DIR += ./qt_generated message("Loaded .pro files, now loading .pri") # Load in library files for project include(project_name.pri) message("Loaded .pri files")
For example, do "TEMPLATE" and "TARGET" mean anything for cmake? Can I print out messages similarly? Can I add to my DEFINES, LIB, INCLUDEPATH, and all those other variables the same way? Is there something similar to CONFIG? What about my MOC_DIR, OBJECTS_DIR, etc? And how would I override flags like with QMAKE_CXXFLAGS ? I don't even know where to start, it's all a bit overwhelming.
A quick search showed that Kitware has such a script for the base things.
There's likely something as well in the dev branch of Qt since Qt 6 uses cmake as build system.
@SGaist Thanks, but I feel like it would be more work to learn and set up Ruby than it would be to attempt this by hand. I did find this script, but I'm not sure if there's any documentation on it, or if it even works properly. I'll give it a go, it'd just be nice to be able to sanity check things.
AFAIK, it's the script that was used to bootstrap the port from qmake to cmake so it should do a pretty good job.