Qt6 and Custom QQuickItem - how to use updatePaintNode
QML and Qt Quick
I am trying to see if I can compile my program under Qt6 beta. I have a custom QQuickItem which uses the updatePaintNode:QSGNode *PlotCurve::updatePaintNode(QSGNode *oldNode, UpdatePaintNodeData *) { QSGNode * mainNode = oldNode; if(!mainNode) { mainNode = new QSGNode; } if(!_transformNode) { _transformNode = new QSGTransformNode; mainNode->appendChildNode(_transformNode); } if(!_curve) { _geometry->setLineWidth(_curve_width); _geometry->setDrawingMode(GL_LINE_STRIP);
so the above code breaks due to the GL_LINE_STRIP which it cannot find. This sounds reasonably as Qt doesn't use OpenGL directly now. How would this be done in Qt6 with their new hardware abstraction layer?
I guess you are using a QSGGeometry so from the snapshot documentation I would say use the DrawingMode enum.
Hope it helps
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