QNetworkReply doesn't finish?
I have local FTP server I connect to with Total Commander without a problem. I'm trying to download a single file from it, using QNetworkAccessManager. No error is produced but it's never finished either. This is how I try to do it:
QString surl = QString("ftp://%3/%4").arg(srv, fpath); url = QUrl(surl); url.setPort(port); //21 //evaluates into if (url.isValid()) { //qnam is QNetworkAccessManager reply = g->qnam->get(QNetworkRequest(url)); MyFTP::connect(reply.data(), &QNetworkReply::downloadProgress, g, &MyFTP::downloadProgress); MyFTP::connect(reply.data(), &QNetworkReply::readyRead, g, &MyFTP::downloadReadyRead); MyFTP::connect(reply.data(), &QNetworkReply::finished, g, &MyFTP::qnamReply); MyFTP::connect(reply.data(), &QNetworkReply::sslErrors, g, &MyFTP::qnamSslErrors); MyFTP::connect(reply.data(), &QNetworkReply::errorOccurred, g, &MyFTP::qnamError); }
No singnal is ever produced by the QNetworkReply. I made a timer to check on it from time to time and it is stuck on "running" and "not finished" forever.
Why are you connecting the pointer returned by reply.data rather than the reply itself ?
It's QPointer<QNetworkReply> so ::data() returns a pointer. Forgot to mention that.
Also, I made it work by setting user and password in QUrl, not by setting QAuthenticator in response to QNetworkAccessManager::authenticationRequired. So... I don't understand why it didn't work before but now it works.