Qt Project using libarchive on Windows
I am a Linux user but have to get a project (which works on Linux) running on Windows 10 using libarchive and I am a bit lost.
Kits available: Qt5.9.9 MSVC 2017 64 bit or Qt5.9.9 MinGW 32bit
I'm not 100% sure that I have installed libarchive correctly (not sure which type of installation I should be running, binary, developer???) Some advice on that would be great.. just put it in Program Files dir?In Qt Creator I have done an "Add Library" on the project and added an External Library (undecided as weather to use dynamic or static yet... )which gave me this:
win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/'../ProgramFiles(x86)/libarchive-2.4.12-1-bin/lib/' -llibarchive.dll else:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/'../ProgramFiles(x86)/libarchive-2.4.12-1-bin/lib/' -llibarchive.dlld else:unix:!macx: LIBS += -L$$PWD/'../ProgramFiles(x86)/libarchive-2.4.12-1-bin/lib/' -llibarchive.dll INCLUDEPATH += $$PWD/'../ProgramFiles(x86)/libarchive-2.4.12-1-bin/include' DEPENDPATH += $$PWD/'../ProgramFiles(x86)/libarchive-2.4.12-1-bin/include'
I also have:
INCLUDEPATH += C:\DevTools\ProgramFiles(x86)\libarchive-v3.4.3-win64\libarchive\include
if fails on the -llibarchive.dlld as it doesn't exist... if I remove then I get the following error:
C:\X\DBuilder\archiver.cpp:123: error: undefined reference to `archive_write_free'
I have archive.h and archive_entry.h defined at the top of the file that uses the archive_write_free command...
#include <archive.h> #include <archive_entry.h>
adding full path here doesn't made any difference.
Can't seem to get past this and wondering what I have done wrong...
Thanks in advance!!!
@taraj said in Qt Project using libarchive on Windows:
What compiler was used to build this library? On Windows you have to use same compiler for C++. Also, did you make sure that the path to the lib is correct (check the build log to see the actual paths).
I haven't used a compiler to build the libarchive. I have used the binary that is available: libarchive-v3.4.3-win64
This is something i am unsure about, i'm not sure if i have to compile libarchive - if so, what, where, how, I found the installation instructions overwhelming and very complex (compared to linux) so went with the binary. -
@taraj said in Qt Project using libarchive on Windows:
I haven't used a compiler to build the libarchive
I didn't say that you did. But somebody did.
From where did you download the lib?
You also did not answer my last question. -
I got it from here http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/packages/libarchive.htm
same is also available here https://libarchive.org/ -
@taraj said in Qt Project using libarchive on Windows:
fails on the -llibarchive.dlld as it doesn't exist
Try to build in release mode.