How to permanantly change .pro settings
Where can I change the default .pro file settings so that a new project is initially set at C++17 or C++20? It defaults to C++11 and I never use that. So each new project requires me to make the change manually, which isn't a huge undertaking. But if I'm busy, I've sometimes forgot to do that and then go nuts trying to figure out why my code isn't working properly.
I haven't tried it yet, but you can find the project templates under (windows)PathToQt\Tools\QtCreator\share\qtcreator\templates\wizards\projects
and modify them, that should effect your default projects, that you create via the wizard
Now that this question/thread is solved, I feel like saying: until I read this this I had no idea that my (recently-created) Qt project was compiling with C++ 11 rather than a later one....
It would be a different thread if I were now to dare ask what I am missing out on. Because glancing through the changes I see a progression to yet more esoteric/complex constructs. But I have learned that if I move all the way up I should be able to write essentially all my code with
and not have a clue what types anything are... :D And to think I finally managed to move off Python and back to C++, partly because I was fed up with Python's lack of source code explicit typing.