can`t get webassembly working - please help
General and Desktop
I`m windows user.
- Installed fresh install 15.1 with all componenets.
- followed emscripten installation instruction , on the last phase ( set_emscripten.bat I got errors about undefined "EXPORT" ) but em++ seems to work
- go to QT configuration , add compiler - add the path to em++ and emcc binaries.
4.go to webassembly toolkit and add emscripten compiler as compiler.
--> QT complains about no command em++
I don`t know how to resolve this , I even tried Linux VM but got other problems.
Is there any painless way to get everything working ?
@nirs @lorn-potter maybe he can help
@nirs said in can`t get webassembly working - please help:
followed emscripten installation instruction
which one?
Have you also checked this wiki page?