[Solved] adding QextSerialPort to a project
Hi all,
I developed an application and now I need to add the library QextSerialPort.
I can compile QextSerialPort separately and use it adding to my .pro:
LIBS += -lqextserialport
@Now I'd like to edit my .pro to compile the QextSerialPort library while compiling my app.
I need this because I'm trying some qt versions and I want to avoid to recompile QextSerialPort library every time I recompile my app.Is it possible?
I hope to have been enough clear.
you can just define a "parent" .pro file, that specifies the subdirectories that need to be compiled.
CONFIG += ordered
SUBDIRS = qextserialport
@Launching make in the "parent" folder (i.e., the one containing this pro file), it will build both in sequence.