Compile for Android on Windows got error
I'm using Qt 5.12.5 on Windows 10, 64 bit pro.
kit: For Android armabi_v7a
Android settings: (SDK Version: 26.1.1, NDK Version: 21.3.6528147)
JDK: \jdk1.8.0_181I have tried to use !android-g++ {} to exclude the projects I don't want to build, but looks like it still build and complains that one of the projects have error: Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webenginewidgets
Here are the error output:
15:22:54: Running steps for project abc...
15:22:54: Starting: "C:\Qt\Qt5.12.5\5.12.5\android_armv7\bin\qmake.exe" C:\proj\abc\application\modules\ -spec android-clang "CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG+=qml_debug"
15:22:54: The process "C:\Qt\Qt5.12.5\5.12.5\android_armv7\bin\qmake.exe" exited normally.
15:22:54: Starting: "C:\Sdk\ndk\21.3.6528147\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\make.exe" -f C:/proj/build-abc-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_Clang_Qt_5_12_5_for_Android_ARMv7-Debug/application/modules/Makefile qmake_all
cd googlemaps\ && C:\Qt\Qt5.12.5\5.12.5\android_armv7\bin\qmake.exe -o Makefile C:\proj\abc\application\modules\googlemaps\ -spec android-clang "CONFIG+=debug" "CONFIG+=qml_debug"
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: webenginewidgets
make: *** [C:/proj/build-abc-Android_for_armeabi_v7a_Clang_Qt_5_12_5_for_Android_ARMv7-Debug/application/modules/Makefile:49: sub-googlemaps-qmake_all] Error 3
15:22:55: The process "C:\Sdk\ndk\21.3.6528147\prebuilt\windows-x86_64\bin\make.exe" exited with code 2.
Error while building/deploying project abc(kit: Android for armeabi-v7a (Clang Qt 5.12.5 for Android ARMv7))
When executing step "qmake"Please help. Thanks
After googled a lot, I noticed they have changed to use clang instead of g++ as compiler.
Therefore in the project file, all "android-g++" will be changed to "android-clang".