validate data entry
Hi guys, I'm doing tests for the validation of the data entry, I'm using Pyside2, I'm trying to validate the full name of a person, I've tried to do it with regular expressions but the truth is that I have not achieved anything good, here is my code to see if you can give me any suggestions on how I can solve my problem.
iimport re from PySide2.QtCore import * from PySide2.QtGui import * from PySide2.QtWidgets import * class Ui_Dialog(QDialog): def setupUi(self, Dialog): if not Dialog.objectName(): Dialog.setObjectName(u"Dialog") Dialog.resize(312, 71) Dialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.Dialog|Qt.MSWindowsFixedSizeDialogHint) self.verticalLayout = QVBoxLayout(Dialog) self.verticalLayout.setObjectName(u"verticalLayout") self.horizontalLayout = QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout.setObjectName(u"horizontalLayout") self.label = QLabel(Dialog) self.label.setObjectName(u"label") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.label) self.txtNombres = QLineEdit(Dialog) self.txtNombres.setObjectName(u"txtNombres") self.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.txtNombres) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout) self.horizontalLayout_2 = QHBoxLayout() self.horizontalLayout_2.setObjectName(u"horizontalLayout_2") #self.horizontalSpacer = QSpacerItem(40, 20, QSizePolicy.Expanding, QSizePolicy.Minimum) #self.horizontalLayout_2.addItem(self.horizontalSpacer) self.horizontalLayout_2.addStretch() self.btnSalir = QPushButton(Dialog) self.btnSalir.setObjectName(u"btnSalir") self.btnSalir.setIcon(QIcon("img/cancel.png")) self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.btnSalir) self.btnSalir.clicked.connect(self.cancelar) self.btnEnviar = QPushButton(Dialog) self.btnEnviar.setObjectName(u"btnEnviar") self.btnEnviar.setIcon(QIcon("img/accept.png")) self.horizontalLayout_2.addWidget(self.btnEnviar) self.btnEnviar.clicked.connect(self.enviar) self.verticalLayout.addLayout(self.horizontalLayout_2) self.retranslateUi(Dialog) QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(Dialog) # setupUi def retranslateUi(self, Dialog): Dialog.setWindowTitle(QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"Dialog", None)) self.label.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"Nombres:", None)) self.btnSalir.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"Cancelar", None)) self.btnEnviar.setText(QCoreApplication.translate("Dialog", u"Enviar", None)) # retranslateUi def enviar(self): #self.nombre=" ".join(self.txtNombres.text().split()) if not self.nomIsValid(self.txtNombres.text()): QMessageBox.warning(self,qApp.applicationName(),"Datos incorrectos.") self.txtNombres.selectAll() self.txtNombres.setFocus() return QMessageBox.information(self,"Mensaje", "Información enviada.\nSus datos: {}".format(self.txtNombres.text())) self.txtNombres.clear() self.txtNombres.setFocus() def nomIsValid(self,nom): ptrn=re.compile(r'^[a-zA-ZñÑ]+') if ptrn.fullmatch(nom) is None: return False return True def cancelar(self): quit()
the main script:
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QDialog from Ventana import Ui_Dialog if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app=QApplication(sys.argv) app.setStyle("Fusion") app.setApplicationName("App_test") mWindow=QDialog() ui=Ui_Dialog() ui.setupUi(mWindow) sys.exit(app.exec_())
I always get the message that the data is incorrect.
Firstly do not use the oldQRegExp
class, use the newerQRegularExpression
class for everything,, I don't know why you are having trouble with an expression for full name. Depends what you want to support, but we could just take your previous expression and allow spaces:
[a-zA-ZñÑ ]+
. Now this is a bit simplistic, because you could just type one or more spaces only and it would match. So we might improve to:[a-zA-ZñÑ][a-zA-ZñÑ ]+
. That is a mandatory letter first, then follow by one or more letters or spaces. And we could continue improving, according to your requirements/definition of a "full name". We could also change thea-zA-ZñÑ
to be a broader category of possible letters, regular expressions have special "character classes".If you want to "play" with regular expressions I suggest you go to somewhere online like where you can develop and test proposed expressions against whatever inputs you expect to accept/reject, till you have something you like. Then bring it back to a Qt
. Sometimes these are not 100% identical to what is accepted byQRegularExpression
--- if you use "advanced" constructs --- but mostly it works straight off, or with a minor adjustment. -
if ptrn.fullmatch(nom) is None:
Two possibilities:
Does your "the full name of a person" mean you are entering forename followed by space and then surname? (Or even leading/trailing spaces in the text edit?) If so you are not matching the space. You should at least show an example of the input your match is failing on!
I haven't tested, but because you are using
, that will already put in the^
anchor for you at the start. Is it treating the^
you have as a literal^
to match at the start? Test it out in Python.
As a completely separate point, are you aware that Qt has, validators which can be placed on, say,
to validate as user types? For example, it could disallow the user from even typing a digit into a name. You may or may not wish to use that approach, but you might want to look at it. -
ok, thanks I am using QRegExp to validate and the exactMatch function, and it was better for me, and yes, good regarding your comment, well yes, it is the full name, but I have not been able to make the regular expression to validate that field yet, no I have found an expression that meets the pattern for the full name, first and last names, any suggestion of how I could do that validation would be very appreciated, greetings.
Firstly do not use the oldQRegExp
class, use the newerQRegularExpression
class for everything,, I don't know why you are having trouble with an expression for full name. Depends what you want to support, but we could just take your previous expression and allow spaces:
[a-zA-ZñÑ ]+
. Now this is a bit simplistic, because you could just type one or more spaces only and it would match. So we might improve to:[a-zA-ZñÑ][a-zA-ZñÑ ]+
. That is a mandatory letter first, then follow by one or more letters or spaces. And we could continue improving, according to your requirements/definition of a "full name". We could also change thea-zA-ZñÑ
to be a broader category of possible letters, regular expressions have special "character classes".If you want to "play" with regular expressions I suggest you go to somewhere online like where you can develop and test proposed expressions against whatever inputs you expect to accept/reject, till you have something you like. Then bring it back to a Qt
. Sometimes these are not 100% identical to what is accepted byQRegularExpression
--- if you use "advanced" constructs --- but mostly it works straight off, or with a minor adjustment. -
@JonB There's no need for duplicating the character class as the + implies at least one element of the expression before it.
@lincoln As for the chars, there might be simpler expression encompassing all what you need. Check this page about unicode. I did not test yet what is available using the PCRE version used by Qt but it's worth checking.
@SGaist said in validate data entry:
@JonB There's no need for duplicating the character class as the + implies at least one element of the expression before it.
I don't know what you are referring to. If you mean the
[a-zA-ZñÑ][a-zA-ZñÑ ]+
, that is deliberate! The second[...]
includes a space character. The whole point was:That is a mandatory letter first, then follow by one or more letters or spaces.
Else what are you speaking about?