How to populate values in my Qdialogbox's linedits?
in my main window, i have a qlistwidget named
and the items in this qlistwidget are like this
<FIRM-1> name="Anna Ken" age="25" job="QtMaster",
<FIRM-2> name="Sir Ron" age="50" job="QtSlave"
so when i click the items in
qlistwidget, a dialogbox shows up with 3 fieldsname,age,job
like this
but when this dialog box shows up, i want the fields
to be populated , like this, How can i achieve this ?so far i have tried this.
void MainWindow::on_employee_list_itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem* item) { QString test = item->text(); // getting the item text std::string test_s = test.toStdString(); //converting it to string from Qstring string name_part = ""; //creating a variable in which name will be stored int name_pos = test_s.find("name=\""); for (int i = name_pos + 6; i < test_s.length();i++) { if (test_s[i] != '\"') name_part += test_s[i]; else break; //extracting name in the item's text, after this the name_part variable value is Sir ron. // similar code for extarcting age and job. if (test_s.find("<FIRM-1>") != std::string::npos) //if item contains text <FIRM-1> then show this dialogue { GrpComd grpComd; //creating instance of dialog grpComd.exec(); //showing it grpComd.name_lineedit->settext(name_part); // i tried this to populate name in name_linedit but getting error , access violation reading location } }
@shashikumar Yes, i am getting string, only problem is propulating that into dialog box.
grpComd.exec(); //showing it grpComd.name_lineedit->settext(name_part); // i tried this to populate name in name_linedit but getting error , access violation reading location
The second line compiles, does it? With
?Your code compiles with theOK, I see you've done some editing of the code you have to shorten.{
s &}
s you show, right?Did you try doing the second line before the first one, if you want to put the text in before you showed the user the modal dialog?
exec is a blocking call so basically you modify your dialog content after you dismiss it.