QML Virtual Keyboard (input panel) segmentation faults on switch to digits/symbols page
Mobile and Embedded
Hi, I'm using QML virtual keyboard on my application to enter the password. The virtual keyboard show up. However, When I go to the digits page it crashes. Here is a snippet of my code:
... TextField{ id: password anchors.top: passlabel.bottom anchors.topMargin: parent.width*0.02 height: parent.width*0.078 width: parent.width font.pixelSize: flickable.width * 0.035 font.family: passlabel.font.family placeholderText : qsTr("Enter the password") color:passlabel.color inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhNoAutoUppercase | Qt.ImhPreferLowercase | Qt.ImhSensitiveData | Qt.ImhNoPredictiveText echoMode: passBox.checked ?TextInput.Normal : TextInput.Password } ... InputPanel { id: inputPanel z: 99 y: parent.height*1.94 anchors.left: parent.left anchors.right: parent.right states: State { name: "visible" when: inputPanel.active PropertyChanges { target: inputPanel y: parent.height * 1.222 - inputPanel.height } } transitions: Transition { from: "" to: "visible" reversible: true ParallelAnimation { NumberAnimation { properties: "y" duration: 250 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } } }
I run the app with debug mode and it shows segmentation fault on this diassembler line:
0xb6fd9dde d2 f8 24 52 ldr.w r5, [r2, #548] ; 0x224