QToolBar initial size is strange
General and Desktop
This code:
QToolBar t(&w); QIcon dragRect("C:/Users/amonra/Documents/GitHub/DSS/DeepSkyStacker/Buttons/ButtonSelect_Up.bmp"); t.setOrientation(Qt::Vertical); t.addAction(dragRect, "", &editor, "dragButtonPressed"); //t.setFixedSize(50, 50); t.setIconSize(QSize(48, 48)); w.setToolBar(&t); w.show();
creates the toolbar with a very strange size (100 wide, 30 high) as reported by this code:
if (m_pToolBar) { qreal width(m_pToolBar->width()); qreal height(m_pToolBar->height()); QPoint point(sz.width() - width, sz.height() - height); qDebug() << "width" << width << "height" << height; m_pToolBar->move(point); }
in the widget's resizeEvent(code) on the first invocation. The result is that the ToolBar is incorrectly positioned within the widget.
If I then resize the widget the ToolBar size is reported as a much more sane value of 59 wide 58 high (is height off by 1?) and it is then positioned correctly
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Which version of Qt ?
On which OS ?
If Linux, what distribution ? Desktop environment ?