Need help with importing .csv file into sqlite database with qt c++
take look at his wiki entry this solution from stackoverlfow get you working in the right direction.
If you don't have an excel file or don't want to go that way,
Use QFile to open the file and read the context and split(';')to extract the data and the code from the stackoverflow link to insert it into your sqlite
wherein i don't know the column names or the number of columns
In, the very first example I look at using
select * from [" + QString("Sheet1") + "$]
clearly works where you don't know anything about the number, names or types of the columns, just as you ask for. You will also have noted it states and discusses there:By default OBDC uses the first row as names for the columns
And similarly if you use @J-Hilk's
Use QFile to open the file and read the context and split(';')
That doesn't need to know number or names of columns either.
@JonB and @J-Hilk
Thanks to both of you, I am now able to successfully import .csv file into sqlite table/database using qt c++.
But now, I am facing another sub problem of importing .xls or .xlsx file. I am unable to get the first row for column names from the excel sheet ( I need to get the columns to create headers for sqlite table). My code shows the second row columns in the debug.
I am sharing my basic code here, please let me know modifications, if any::QSqlDatabase XL_db = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QODBC", "xlsx_connection"); XL_db.setDatabaseName(QString("DRIVER={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb)};DBQ=%1"). arg(filepath)); if( { int i,j,k=0,cont; QString ex1, ex2; QSqlQuery *query = new QSqlQuery(XL_db); query->exec("select * from ["+QString("Sheet1")+"$]"); while (query->first()) { if(k == 0) { for(i = 0; i < query->record().count(); ++i) { ex1.push_back(query->value(i).toString().simplified()); ex1.push_back(" TEXT,"); ex2.push_back('?'); ex2.push_back(','); } cont = query->record().count(); ex1.chop(1); ex2.chop(1); qDebug() << ex1 << endl; qDebug() << ex2 << endl; } } }
Also, I have to specify the sheet name in the .setDatabaseName method. Is there any way around this to get excelsheet name programmatically.
Thanks for support. -
From my limited understanding: as per the link I posted, if you want to deal with the first row yourself you have to setFirstRowHasNames=0
in the connection string. However, apparently ODBC driver has always incorrectly ignored this, so you can't switch that behaviour off, and there's nothing you can do about it. That's all I know. Obviously worth a try just in case it does work....Is there any way around this to get excelsheet name programmatically.
To do anything like that you would need to talk to Excel. From Qt that would be via Active Qt. There may be examples out there for working with Excel. If you go that route, you can probably deal with your first row issue. Also that link shows a number of potential third-party C/C++ libraries for parsing/writing Excel files, some of which are specifically for use with Qt.
@JonB Thanks again to JonB and J-Hilk. As you said the QODBC driver is having issue with FirstRowHasNames, I tried the method and failed. Next, I tried importing through Active Qt and was successful in importing excel file. So, I temporarily saved the imported excel file into .csv format and used earlier developed "import csv to sqlite database "method to save the contents in sqlite database through Qt C++.