How to select a 64 bit Debugger in the kit settings
I have just installed Qt Creator and I am running a very simple GUI. I have MSVC2017 Professional and MSVC2019 Community installed.
My simple GUI is running with MSVC2019 but when trying to run the debug mode. I have the following error message.SimpleGUI.exe is a 64 bit executable which can not be debugged by a 32 bit Debugger.
Please select a 64 bit Debugger in the kit settings for this kit.I don't know how to set the debugger, here is the capture screen of the auto-detected Debuggers.
You can update your x64 Kit to use the correct version of the debugger.
Sorry after looking to the documentation, I found that I need to install the Debugging Tools for windows. I will try it.
EDIT : After installing the Debugging Tools, what should I do in order to use it ? My kits settings did not change.
You can update your x64 Kit to use the correct version of the debugger.