Face book in Qt
Can any one tell me about facebook and How can i communicate with facebook through QT
Thanks in Advance.
At this "link":http://developers.facebook.com/docs/, facebook sdk's listed. You can use javascript api with Qt.
Or, look "this":http://code.google.com/p/facebook-cpp-graph-api/
Also, "this one":http://github.com/heliocastro/QFacebookGraph. Still work in progress, though.
Well, it works already for read, and there's example working. i ḿ in the stage of implementing User object and then the rest of Objects
This is more a cur and paste tedious work, but need be done.
The single QFacebookGraph class can be used directly too.
Auth is not doing by the library, since Facebook terms not allow you doing directly instead of access their web sign on, so second example implements an local auth using web touch page.