Filtring TreeView QML
Hi everyone, so in my project I intend to do searching method to filter Treeview after filling a text field but i cant catch the way to do it, this is the code
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14 import QtQuick.Controls 1.4 ApplicationWindow{ id:tree visible: true width: 800 height: 800 title: qsTr("Tree example") GroupBox{ anchors.fill: parent TreeView { id:treee anchors.fill: parent model: myModel TableViewColumn { title: "Name" role: "display" width: 200 } onDoubleClicked: { } onPressAndHold: { } } MessageDialog { id: messageDialog title: "Info" } } }
cpp code is below :
#ifndef TREEVIEWMODEL_H #define TREEVIEWMODEL_H #include <QObject> #include<QStandardItemModel> class TreeViewModel : public QStandardItemModel { Q_OBJECT public: TreeViewModel(QObject *parent = nullptr); signals: public slots: void readDataBase(); }; #endif // TREEVIEWMODEL_H #include "treeviewmodel.h" #include <QStandardItem> TreeViewModel::TreeViewModel(QObject *parent) : QStandardItemModel{parent} { CanConverter canConverter; //connect(canConverter.getInstance(),SIGNAL(dataLoaded()),this,SLOT(readDataBase())); setColumnCount(1); QStandardItem *rootItem=invisibleRootItem(); QStandardItem *DataBase1= new QStandardItem; QStandardItem *DataBase2 =new QStandardItem; QStandardItem *DataBase3= new QStandardItem; QStandardItem *Trame1=new QStandardItem; QStandardItem *Trame2=new QStandardItem; QStandardItem *Trame3=new QStandardItem; QStandardItem *Trame4=new QStandardItem; QStandardItem *Trame5=new QStandardItem; QStandardItem *Trame6=new QStandardItem; //QStandardItem *Trame7=new QStandardItem; DataBase1->setText("base de donné 1"); DataBase1->setText("base de donné 2"); DataBase1->setText("base de donné 3"); Trame1->setText("Trame1"); Trame2->setText("Trame2"); Trame3->setText("Trame3"); Trame4->setText("Trame4"); Trame5->setText("Trame5"); Trame6->setText("Trame6"); rootItem->appendRow(DataBase1); rootItem->appendRow(DataBase2); rootItem->appendRow(DataBase3); DataBase1->appendRow(Trame1); DataBase1->appendRow(Trame2); DataBase2->appendRow(Trame3); DataBase2->appendRow(Trame4); DataBase3->appendRow(Trame5); DataBase3->appendRow(Trame6); }
Pleaase is there any solution for that
@fcarney , thans for your reply, but when i use it, implementing the code below of filtring
so I get the problem when filtring, and the childrens of nodes wasn't shown, if i don't exapnd the nodes
pleaase is there any solution, it's been 4 days I m struglling with it -
Is there any solution for that please, I don't Know if I m doing wrong while implementing this filterAcceptRow(), is the syntax right?
Hi, evreyOne, so I tried also, the findItem() method but it'is not working well, and I want to use the QProxySortFilterModel, implemeting the method filterAcceptRow(), I did it but also work with some problems, I think that I don't implement it right pleease need help
You are filtering a tree model, you have to allow for the child items to pass your filter.
@SGaist thanks a lots for your reply, bu how to do it?