qwt plot in QWidget is badly scaled
Hi, i have a problem related to badly scaling of a qwt plot. It is automatically located in upper-left corner of a area dedicated to present it. Additionally its size is reduced as well. I want to have it adjusted to whole area.
Here some more information:
Plotting function is a separate class, which inherits QwtPlot class and also is a Q_OBJECT. It uses following variables:double max_Y_val, min_Y_val; QwtSymbol* symbol; QwtPlotGrid* grid; QwtPlotCurve curve1; QwtPointSeriesData* myData; QVector<QPointF> samples; QwtPlotCanvas* canvas; QwtPlotPanner* panner; bool if_update_plot;
Here is the constructor and remaining methods and definitions located in the cpp file:
Plot::Plot(std::string type) { if_update_plot = false; setObjectName("plot"); setAxisTitle(xBottom, "Title"); setAxisScale(yLeft, 1.0, 15.0); QwtPlotCanvas *canvas = new QwtPlotCanvas(); canvas->setPalette(Qt::white); canvas->setBorderRadius(10); setCanvas(canvas); // grid grid = new QwtPlotGrid(); grid->attach(this); zoomer = new QwtPlotZoomer(canvas); zoomer->setRubberBandPen(QColor(Qt::black)); zoomer->setTrackerPen(QColor(Qt::black)); zoomer->setMousePattern(QwtEventPattern::MouseSelect2, Qt::RightButton, Qt::ControlModifier); zoomer->setMousePattern(QwtEventPattern::MouseSelect3, Qt::RightButton); panner = new QwtPlotPanner(canvas); panner->setMouseButton(Qt::MidButton); this->setAutoReplot(true); replot(); } void Plot::Update_plot(const QString& title, const double X_val[1601 * 16], const double Y_val[1601 * 16], int number) { if_update_plot = true; max_Y_val = -200; min_Y_val = 0; double min = 0, max = 0; myData = new QwtPointSeriesData; // clear samples for (int i = 0; i < samples.length(); i++) { samples.pop_back(); } while (samples.length() > 0) { samples.pop_back(); } for (int i = 5; i < number; i++) { if (Y_val[i] != 0) { samples.push_back(QPointF(X_val[i], Y_val[i])); if (max_Y_val < Y_val[i]) { max_Y_val = Y_val[i]; } if (min_Y_val > Y_val[i]) { min_Y_val = Y_val[i]; } max = std::ceil(X_val[i]); if (min == 0) { min= std::floor(X_val[i]); } } } curve1.detach(); grid = new QwtPlotGrid(); grid->attach(this); myData->setSamples(samples); curve1.setStyle(QwtPlotCurve::Lines); curve1.setPen(Qt::blue, (2.0), Qt::SolidLine); setAxisScale(yLeft, std::floor(min_Y_val), std::ceil(max_Y_val)); setAxisScale(xBottom, min, max); setAxisTitle(yLeft, title); curve1.setData(myData); curve1.attach(this); this->replot(); } void Plot::detach_curve() { curve1.detach(); }
And in a class (inherits QDialog and also is a Q_OBJECT), which prompts Plot class to generate plot there is a QWidget area, where i want plot to be placed. I placed there in .h file:
Plot* plot = new Plot("title"); bool just_plotted = false;
I also define a slot which is used when data is ready to be plotted. It helps me to decide when to plot. Then in .cpp file there is:
void PlotWindow::plot_results() { // getting data from device double x_data[1601], y_data[1601]; for (int i = 0; i < 1601; i++) { x_data[i] = device->x_data[i]; y_data[i] = device->y_data[i]; } int points_no = device->plot_points_no; QHBoxLayout* myLayoutTrans = new QHBoxLayout(ui.widget); myLayoutTrans->addWidget(plot); ui.widget->setLayout(myLayoutTrans); // plot the latest data plot->Update_plot("title", x_data, y_data, points_no, false); delete myLayoutTrans; }
I would be grateful if somebody can tell me where is the problem. everything works correctly, except this one thing... After refreshing the problem still occurs.
@JohnCu said in qwt plot in QWidget is badly scaled:
delete myLayoutTrans;
}Why are you deleting the layout ?
If you set it up correctly, it will be managed by Qt's parent/child hierarchy and you won't need to delete it in the destructor.