RTSP Streaming on QML Application
Mobile and Embedded
Hey people I am currently developing an application that one specific page is assigned to show live IP Camera stream via RTSP link.
At the first step I played the video from the internet the famous bunny file "rtsp://wowzaec2demo.streamlock.net/vod/mp4:BigBuckBunny_115k.mov" it worked fine. However, when I change the RTSP link with my own network camera link "rtsp://" I am not able to view any video. I wonder what causes this problem. Need serious help??Sharing my code below,
import QtQuick 2.4 import QtQuick.Controls 1.3 import QtMultimedia 5.4 PageDefault { id: pageSettings title: qsTr("Kamera") Label { anchors.centerIn: parent text: qsTr("Kamera") } Camera { id: camera captureMode: Camera.CaptureStillImage imageCapture { onImageCaptured: { photoPreview.source = cam14era stillControls.previewAvailable = true cameraUI.state = "PhotoPreview" } } videoRecorder { resolution: "1920x1080" frameRate: 30 } } MediaPlayer { id: videoPlayer source: "rtsp://" muted: true autoPlay: true autoLoad: true } VideoOutput { id: camera1 width: 1920 height: 1080 anchors.fill:parent source: videoPlayer } }
same problem here, I am not able to display a simple rtsp video stream in QML. I have similar code than @neutri and get the following error:
DirectShowPlayerService::doSetUrlSource: Unresolved error code 0x800c000d (El protocolo especificado es desconocido.)
I can see the stream from the VLC player.
any idea?