non-floating movable widget layout
i have similar layout:
i need to be able to movelist view
,widget 1
andwidget 2
around. i found this:
but there the widgets are floating. i need to fix the position of the widget after it is moved to its new place. more like dock widgets (which give hint where to place and then are fixed in new place).
how can i do that? -
Do you use a layout ?
Also Widget 1 and 2 is inside a splitter etc. how will you handle that ?
Its ok to move it out of the splitter etc ?Also where would you move ListView ? To other side of green box or in what way move around ?
QDDockWidgets cannot move around freely they can be docked to predefined areas.
I am not aware of any way to have 100% free moment and then be fixed since it will not work well with layouts unless
its like Docks were you move between predefined areas. -
Beside @mrjj points, you might want to check KDAB's KDDockWidgets.