Qt Creator, how to install older version?
I want to roll back the version of Qt that I updated to, I updated to Qt 5.14.2 and source code the was working isn't anymore.
I've posted a bug report on the official forum, however I'm at a standstill until its fixed.
Is there a way to roll back or install a specific version of Qt as during the problems I uninstalled Qt Creator altogether and reinstalled, so the only revision I have installed at present is Qt 5.14.2?
For Qt, you can install older versions either directly with the online installer or the Maintenance Tool.
As for Qt Creator, you will likely have to get the standalone installer of the version you are looking for.
You're welcome !
If that fixes your issue, please mark the thread as solved using the "Topic Tools" button or the three dots menu beside the answer you find correct so that other forum users may know a solution has been found :-)
Thanks for the link!
But how did you get to that page?
The only thing I found was this:- Go to the official Qt homepage https://www.qt.io/ (which is where I would expect to find downloads)
- Click on the prominently placed "Download. Try." in the top right corner.
- The only link that makes sense is "Go open source", so click on that.
- There is only a link to "Download the Qt Online Installer", which is not what I want, but usually there are more options on such download pages, so go there.
- Click on "Not the installer you need? View other options." and then on "Offline installers"
- Click on "5.12.x Offline Installers" and "Qt 5.12.12 for Windows (3.7 GB)", which starts a download of "qt-opensource-windows-x86-5.12.12.exe", (so that seems to work, but it's not 5.0.2 and not the page you linked)
- Click on "Other downloads"
- "Qt repositories at code.qt.io" looks like a candidate, but it links to a list of git repositories, so not what I need.
- Only option left is "Archive for old versions", so click that
- Click on "qtcreator"
And we're back to the page I linked earlier.
@Beep-Bop said in Qt Creator, how to install older version?:
But how did you get to that page?
Simply follow copy the link for the recent installer and remove the filename -> https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qtcreator/6.0/6.0.0/qt-creator-opensource-linux-x86_64-6.0.0.run --> https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qtcreator/6.0/6.0.0/
@Beep-Bop said in Qt Creator, how to install older version?:
But how did you get to that page?
Like @Christian-Ehrlicher said: take the URL for the 6.0 release and remove everything up to https://download.qt.io/archive/qtcreator, then try whether it works :-) In this case it did. Else you can use Google to search fro something like "QtCreator 5 installer".
I asked this question recently on StackOverflow along with my solution:
To reiterate, I was struggling with Qt Creator 14.0.0 being very unstable (crashes when you do most things using the
file designer), so I wanted to go back to Qt Creator 13.x which seemed a bit more stable (though the designer does still segfault a bit more than I'd expect... I plan to raise a bug report next time it happens but it's been a few days).Qt publishes Qt Creator packages on their Qt Creator GitHub project.
For example, you can search for v13. I tested the .deb and it works well.