Connect to network drive
So I am attempting to build an app that will backup my files to a network drive.
Presently my network drive is a usb stick connected to my router. At the moment I can't figure out ho to connect to the network drive using Qt. I have fiddled with QDir and QDesktopServices but I cannot get either to list the files on the network drive. Could someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
You need to mount it with your local OS, no help from Qt here.
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in Connect to network drive:
You need to mount it with your local OS, no help from Qt here.
I already have it mounted.
What OS are you using ?
How is your drive seen by this OS ?
How are you trying to access it with Qt ? -
@bandito said in Connect to network drive:
I already have it mounted.
Then you can simply use QFile with the path in the filesystem
@SGaist said in Connect to network drive:
What OS are you using ?
How is your drive seen by this OS ?
How are you trying to access it with Qt ?- Linux (Ubuntu)
-As a windows share (no username or password)
-I tried QDir which appears to make a connection but I can't get a list of files and directories. I also tried QDesktopServices but it didn't work at all.
- Linux (Ubuntu)
@Christian-Ehrlicher said in Connect to network drive:
@bandito said in Connect to network drive:
I already have it mounted.
Then you can simply use QFile with the path in the filesystem
Yes but this way you cannot list the files/folders of the network drive.
@bandito said in Connect to network drive:
Yes but this way you cannot list the files/folders of the network drive.
Seems you are looking for
So I finally figured out to connect to a network drive. If I put /run/user/1000/gvfs/smb-share:server=,share=volume(sda1) as the path in QDirIterator it works fine. Had to use QFileDialog to fine the path however. Using "//" as a path doesn't work.
Interesting ! How did exactly did you extract that path ?
@SGaist said in Connect to network drive:
Interesting ! How did exactly did you extract that path ?
Sorry, I didn't use QDialog, I used QFIleDialog. Using QFileDialog I found the share and after selecting I sent the QFile.fileName() to qDebug(). That's how I found it. Weird I know.