problem with aligning text underneath buttons
General and Desktop
I have a layout that contains two buttons centered like so:
self.foo_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.exit_frame) self.foo_layout.addItem(self.horizontal_spacer) self.foo_layout.addWidget(self.one_btn) self.foo_layout.addWidget(self.two_btn) self.foo_layout.addItem(self.horizontal_spacer)
Now I need to add two labels to be displayed underneath the buttons, I create them like:
self.baz_lab = QtGui.QLabel("Lab1") self.qux_lab = QtGui.QLabel("Lab2")
And I thought I could modify the above code like (below example only shows label for
):self.foo_layout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.exit_frame) self.foo_layout.addItem(self.horizontal_spacer) self.bar_lay = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() self.bar_lay.addWidget(self.one_btn) self.bar_lay.addWidget(self.baz_lab) self.foo_layout.addWidget(self.bar_lay) self.foo_layout.addWidget(self.two_btn) self.foo_layout.addItem(self.horizontal_spacer)
but I get
TypeError: QBoxLayout.addWidget(QWidget, int stretch=0, Qt.Alignment alignment=0): argument 1 has unexpected type 'QVBoxLayout
how do I get the labels shown undernbeath the buttons?