PySide2 / PyQT5 : Using QPluginLoader to import a QT C++ plugin
I try to import a QT C++ plugin into Python using PySide2 / PyQT5.
The dll plugin works fine when using QT C++ QPluginLoader because I can cast the QObject with qobject_cast :
ope_int = qobject_cast<Operations_Interface *>(plugin);The dll plugin is loaded when using PySide2 or PyQT5 but I don't know how to use qobject_cast in Python to cast to a class interface.
An idea
First, which plugin are you trying to use and could you give us a minimal example of your C++/Python code please (just so we can get a handle on what it is you're doing).Assuming it's a C++ Qt plugin, I think you would probably have to create a SIP (for PyQt5) wrapper around the C++ interface for the plugin and then use
to cast theQObject
returned fromQPluginLoader
to a Python representation of the type the plugin returns.Hope this helps :o)
Thank you for your help :
1/ The .h interface :
#include <QObject> #include <QString> class Operations_Interface { public: Operations_Interface() = default; virtual ~Operations_Interface() = default; virtual int addition (int a, int b) = 0; virtual int soustraction (int a, int b) = 0; }; QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE #define Operations_Interface_iid "Chargement_Plugin.Operations_Interface" Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE(Operations_Interface, Operations_Interface_iid) QT_END_NAMESPACE
2/ The header of the class in the plugin
#ifndef OPERATION_PLUGIN_H #define OPERATION_PLUGIN_H #include <QObject> #include <QtPlugin> #include "operations_interface.h" class Operations_plugin : public QObject, Operations_Interface { Q_OBJECT Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "Chargement_Plugin.Operations_Interface" FILE "Operations_plugin.json") Q_INTERFACES(Operations_Interface) public: Operations_plugin() {}; int addition (int a, int b) override; int soustraction (int a, int b) override ; }; #endif
3/ With the .cpp
#include "Operations_plugin.h" int Operations_plugin::addition(int a, int b) { return (a + b); } int Operations_plugin::soustraction(int a, int b) { return (a - b); }
4/ And the Python code
from PyQt5.QtCore import QPluginLoader def read_dll_PyQt(): path_dll = "c:/Operations_Plugin/Release/Operations_plugin.dll" pluginLoader = QPluginLoader() pluginLoader.setFileName(path_dll) plugin_obj = pluginLoader.instance() # TODO Code for : # res = plugin_obj.Operations_Interface.Addition(10,5) # ==> How to cast plugin_obj to Operations_Interface ? # Main if __name__ == '__main__': read_dll_PyQt()