Meego and Symbian two plateforms app problem
Hello Guys!
I am developing an app to run on both Meego nokia n950 and symbian devices (Nokia C6-01, Nokia C7-00, Nokia E6-00, Nokia E7-00, Nokia N8-00, Nokia X7-00.) My application development is almost done and some how tested on symbian devices. But when I install on meego device it installs fine but two things happens.
*- it installs but could not view app screen on meego device , even app icon is available on meego device home, even tapping on app icon it does not show any screen but in qt creator consol log messages are visible and qt creator says app is running.
- I am using Loader component to navigate in application different pages, on symbian it works fine but on meego it does not show even first splash screen. Is loader element not supported on meego or something else?*
Following is the code snipped of Loader.qml which is main starting point of app.
@import QtQuick 1.0
Loader {
id: loader
source: "Splash.qml"Connections { target: loader.item onShowScreen: loader.source = msg }
@Also should I not use Loader but use states kind of thing? But using states my application structure will completely change and it would cost much time.
And in splash. qml following following code is written to show two splash images one after other and then navigate to next screen Book.qml.
@import QtQuick 1.0
Rectangle {
id: firstScreen
Image {
id: splashimage
source: "images/splashscreen.png"
}signal showScreen(string msg) Timer { id: timer interval: 5000 // 5 secs running: true onTriggered: firstScreen.showScreen("Book.qml") }
Please do help me in this issue as I am stuck at the end and could not complete things.
Thank You