Problem with running QMake (installing QFTP module )
Hello guys,
i have to install the QFtp module in my QT5 version so i followed these steps :1.Download the sources for the add-on from
2.Extract the sources somewhere (e.g. Qt5.x.y/Src/qtmyaddon)
3.Open a console in that folder
4.Read readme.txt and run the appropriate commands with the latest QT version
5.Run qmake
6.Run make (or nmake or mingw32-make or whatever)
7.Run sudo make install (nmake install, mingw32-make install, ...)
8.In the .pro file of your project, add "QT += myaddon" (e.g. "QT += ftp")
9.Run qmake on your project
10.Compile your project
i'm blocked in the step 5 , how to run qmake from command line ?
Thanks -
@Zunneh said in Problem with running QMake (installing QFTP module ):
how to run qmake from command line ?
Like any other command. Use the whole path to qmake, like
What compiler are you using?
I can't stress enough, however, how using a library that was discontinued 7 years ago for networking is not a good idea.
You should just use a proper up to date library even if it means not having perfect Qt integration. For example libcurl -
@Zunneh said in Problem with running QMake (installing QFTP module ):
i'm using Mingw482_32
then call
the problem with QNetworkAcessManager is that we can't list a FTP server to get the folders name
Don't solve the problem by introducing an out of date library to your project. You can use
from libcurl. See